Gigabyte GTX 980 WATERFORCE 3-Way SLI

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Each GeForce GTX 980 will come with 4 GB of graphics memory, that's enough if you are a hardcore gamer with a monitor resolution of 2560x1440 and upwards to Ultra HD obviously with three of these puppies. 


The GeForce GTX 980 has a maximum power consumption of 185 Watts when factory overclocked, you'll need to power the card with two PCIe PEG 8-pin leads from your power supply per card, so yes that is six 8-pin PEG power connectors in total for this setup.


Though we will talk about power supply recommendations in the next pages, make sure you add little extra reserve Wattage for efficiency, but you also want a little reserve if you plan to overclock processor or the GPUs. Extra voltage can really eat away in your power consumption fast. 



Each card is tied to one radiator, since the GPU does not exhaust extreme amounts of heat, they are sufficient enough, temps sit at roughly 50 Degrees C under full load.

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