Ultra High Definition 4K - 3840x2160 Performance
- Depth of Field effects
- Full Tessellation on character models
- DX11 mode
- Image quality settings are maxed out
- AAA anti-aliasing
- 16xAF, Motion Blur and Tessellation at normal
As you can see 2-way scales nicely, 3-way did not kick in properly as we get 2-way perf there.
- DirectX 11
- Very High Quality settings
- FXAA Enabled
- Welcome to the Jungle level
Image Quality Settings:
- DX11
- Very High Image Quality
- 8x Anisotropic Filtering
- Screenspace reflection on
- Parallax Occlusion mapping on
- FXAA on
- Contact Hardening Shadows on
- Tessellation on
Thief looks pretty nice in Ultra HD. The 40+ FPS range at 3840x2160 does require a very powerful multi-GPU solution. But yeah GTX 970 SLI or R9-290X Crossfire would perform extremely nice value for money wise. The 980'ies kick in nicely though.
For Battlefield 4 the test run has enabled:
- DX11
- Ultra mode
- 2x MSAA enabled
- 16x AF enabled
- HBAO enabled
- Level: Reach the VIPs