GeForce GTX 680 Overclock Guide

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DX11: Alien Versus Predator - Lost Planet 2


After receiving numerous requests if it was possible to include the following two DX11 titles we added them a while ago, Alien vs predator and Lost Planet 2. Initially we left these two titles out as AVP is really ATI optimized and Lost planet 2 is rather NVIDIA savvy. None the less, we will start gathering results from them in a single chart kind of way. But bare in mind that we find both titles a little biased to either of the manufacturers.

DX11: Alien Versus Predator

As with many of the already released DirectX 11 benchmarks, the Aliens vs. Predator DirectX 11 benchmark leverages your DirectX 11 hardware to provide an immersive game play experience through the use of DirectX 11 Tessellation and DirectX 11 Advanced Shadow features. In Aliens vs. Predator, DirectX 11 Geometry Tessellation is applied in an effective manner to enhance and more accurately depict HR Gigers famous Alien design. Through the use of a variety of adaptive schemes, applying tessellation when and where it is necessary, the perfect blend of performance and visual fidelity is achieved with at most a 4% change in performance. Your DirectX 11 hardware also allows for higher quality, smoother and more natural looking shadows as well.

DirectX 11 Advanced Shadows allow for the rendering of high-quality shadows, with smoother, artifact-free penumbra regions, which otherwise could not be realized, again providing for a higher quality, more immersive gaming experience.

You can try the benchmark yourself, download here.

GeForce GTX 680

We measure in 1920x1200 at 4xAA and 16X anisotropic filtering to more heavily stress the graphics cards being tested and all image quality settings have been set to the highest possible with the help of a customized configuration file.


DX11: Lost Planet 2

The Lost Planet 2 Benchmark can be downloaded here, you can measure the performance of your system and see first-hand how DirectX11.

A decade has passed since the first game, and the face of E.D.N. III has changed dramatically. Terra forming efforts have been successful and the ice has begun to melt, giving way to lush tropical jungles and harsh unforgiving deserts. Players will enter this new environment and follow the exploits of their own customized snow pirate on their quest to seize control of the changing planet.

Guru3D utilizes test B - The primary purpose of Test B is to push the PC to its limits and to evaluate the maximum performance of the PC. It utilizes many functions of Direct X11 resulting in a very performance-orientated, very demanding benchmark mode.

GeForce GTX 680

We measure in 2560x1600 to stress the card a little more. We apply 4xMSAA and 16X Anisotropic Filtering to more heavily shake up the graphics card being tested and all image quality settings have been set to the highest possible. Here as well, over time of course, this chart will build up with more and more results. The overclocked results are persistent and consistent.

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