GeForce 8600 GT and GTS review and Shootout

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War Front: Turning Point

For those who just cannot get enough of the Second World War, War Front: Turning Point offers enough spin on the traditional model to offer a very satisfying experience. Graphically, the game is great, and is configured to run on a myriad of systems with different specs. Higher-end PCs will be treated to a nice amount of eye candy, including detailed vehicles, great environments and excellent special and explosion effects.

A game that has not been tweaked to death at driver level as it is very uncommon to benchmark (which is really why I do it).

We enabled all possible eye-candy and with 4xAA and 16xAF at 2560x1600 we can still play "okay". We only recently introduced this benchmark and all I can insert are scores from faster performing cards.

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