Definitive Multi-GPU World Tour - Part 9

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The Definitive Multi-GPU World Tour - Conclusion #5

What's this fuzz all about huh ? Who buys SLI or Crossfire, certainly not you right ? Only 1% of you guys are buying multi-GPU solutions ? Wrong. Think again, as with that in mind I'd like to show you the results of a poll that I ran on our FrontPage last month prior to this article. To get you a clear picture of how well represented this poll is, seven and a half thousand people voted to the following question:

Question:  Do you have a dual GPU solution (Crossfire or SLi) ?

  Option 01: Yes [1349 votes]
  Option 02: No [4287 votes]
  Option 03: No, but I am considering it [1846 votes]

Let's break that down in a  chart.

Do you have a dual GPU solution (Crossfire or SLi) ?
[tally] 18%
[tally] 57%
No, but I am considering it
[tally] 25%

18% of you guys and gals already have an SLI or Crossfire in your rig. 57% do not own such a setup. But here's the big stunner ... 25% of you guys are considering it so that makes 43% of you at the very least interested in owning a multi-GPU solution.

I dare to state that we are still at the beginning of a multi-GPU development era here, and listen to me when I say that this trend will develop itself also in micro architecture designs. I have a strong gut-feeling that we'll be seeing the first multi-core GPU's anytime soon as it is the next logical step. For that to happen the groundwork has to be solid for sure, and this is the groundwork.

guru3d_edit_125_single_gold.jpgUntil then if you decide to go for SLi or Crossfire then hey it's highly recommended but be sure to have your hardware selected properly okay ? But in this round, NVIDIA wins flatout and therefore deserves an award which is hereby granted.

As a group at first I'd like to thank all participants in this article. First off to the eight other editors who contributed their time to this article. What you guys all did here was unique, difficult, sometimes hard, stressful with the deadlines, and not easy when the hardware did not arrive or arrived too late. It was an honor working with you gentlemen. Furthermore our thanks go out towards Abit USA, AMD, ATI Technologies, BFG Technologies, ECS, NVIDIA, Sapphire, Super Talent and XFX for their support in hardware.

Although the article could have been even more elaborate and distinct if it was done two months later, we most certainly hope you found it useful and enjoyed it. Perhaps you'll see a future update.


Hilbert -

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