Cougar Immersa Pro Gaming Headset Review

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On the earcups you’ll also find the RGB lighting. Six RGB SMD LEDs light up each ring, which makes for a uniform ring of color. The retractable microphone didn’t make reassembly easy, in case you’re wondering.


The headband looks comfortable. The suspended headband design appears to be lifted from AKG’s K700-series, and it bears more than a slight resemblance. The headband on the K701’s, however, are somewhat akin to a torture device.


The headband even stretches like the AKG.


Cougar’s driver package, UIX, you must download from The Immersa Pro is a USB Audio Type-I device, so it will work if you just plug it in. However, if you want to change the color of the RGB lighting, you’re required to install the driver. We’ll cover the driver features in just a little bit.


The Immersa Pro comes with the familiar retractable microphone. I’ll cover its performance later, but I’ll say that it’s not the best microphone ever. It does have one feature that is unique, it will light up when it is muted, using the earcup dial. I’m a little skittish when it comes to having moving dials so close to your ears, but Cougar did a great job in making the dials nearly silent, which is excellent. Cougar is passionate about gaming, that is clear, and they’re proud of their engineers. I agree, the Immersa Pro feels well engineered, and you can feel some of that passion. They are solidly built and should take a lot of wear and tear.

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