Corsair Flash Voyager 32GB review

Memory (DDR4/DDR5) and Storage (SSD/NVMe) 378 Page 1 of 5 Published by


1 - A flashy introduction

Corsair Voyager 32 GB USB Flash Stick


Corsair Flash VoyagerProduct: 32 GB flash memory USB stick
Price: $164

Flash memory guys and girls .. it's the next big thing ever since the first high volume HDD was introduced into the market. I've been active in the hardware scene for over ten years now and I have not ever seen a development rate going so fast as Flash memory. The amount of choice in media, sizes, speed and then obviously development of Solid State drives it's just all going really fast. I mean, two years ago when I was traveling I had a very handy 256MB stick along with me to carry PDF presentations. And two years ago that was considered to be a pretty big flash USB stick.

Last year in March I picked up a 1 GB stick, paid 50 EUR for it, the same amount of money you now pay for a 4 GB stick. And today ... we'll test the Corsair Flash Voyager with a capacity of an astonishing 32 Gigabyte !

A flash USB stick with:

  • Plug & Play functionality in Windows Vista, XP, 2000, ME, Linux 2.4 and later, Mac OS 9, X and later
  • Durable and Price/performance leader 32GB USB drive
  • Includes the True Crypt security application (Windows Vista/XP/2000 compatible only) allowing for a virtual encrypted drive using AES-256 encryption
  • Water Resistant, Shockproof & Plug-n-Play

These are the sticks that Bruce Willis could carry around while making Die Hard 4.0, they've been laundered, baked, frozen, boiled, dropped, and even run over by a SUV in many third party reviews. After all the punishment it receives, these sturdy little freaks continue to work.

Now available in a 32GB capacity the flash-disk became a massively worthy investment. It's a small HDD in your pocket. With that file size you could even partition it, split into two partitions, and make one encrypted as the product supports EAS-256 bit encryption technology.

Great stuff to store movies, MP3, work related files, classified stuff (encrypted) or even you could use it as a backup drive. Very robust, water tight and easy to use.

But enough of this introduction, let's review it and see how well it fares, yet most of all .. with such size, how fast it is.

Corsair Voyager 32 GB USB Flash Stick

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