CPU-Z Screenshots
CPU-Z Screenshots
So as you can, see the frequency looks a bit off. It's correct though. You can enable turbo mode on all X58 motherboards, allowing one CPU core to be pushed 1MP higher, thus in this case from 25 to 26x133 MHz.
Hmmm, yep... all cache is there too! That L3 cache is certainly nice and big at 8MB. Then 4x256KB L2 cache and obviously a 128KB L1 cache.
As you can see, we have already prepped our OCZ Blade memory for some tough love... firing off proper timings allowed us to get real close to 2133 MHz. This screenshot is at CAS8 2100 MHz. It's ridiculous how high that frequency really is, and the benefit of course is very little... but this is high-end e-peen stuff, I just love it to be totally honest.
For this to happen we did need to jam 1.7 volts into the QPI/DDR voltage line, and that's considered to be 0.5v over the limit...
And last but not least, the motherboard. We'll be using the majestic eVGA X58 Classified edition motherboard today. What sheer beauty that thing is eh?
If you are interested, you can download CPU-Z here.