Product Showcase - Interior
When we flip her over we can see the bottom. The stands at the bottom have rubber pads to prevent resonating noises. You can see another a dust filter here, easy to take out and clean for sure. Also a must with the two big 200 fans here that function as air-intake. As our measurements will show, the two fans create heaps of airflow at fairly low noise levels as well.
There is decent but ample space for cable routing, you, however, can tidy things up nicely thanks to the velcro straps. At the backside, we see that extensive mainboard tray cutout again, that's for replacing fan brackets that need to be mounted at the backside of the motherboard. Easy access. That cutout is huge alright, yet does not make the mainboard tray any less sturdy.
As mentioned on the previous page, there are two additional SSD mount to be spotted here. To the left of them, you can see a small PCB, that's the fan controller.
The PCB obviously is the fan controller. You power it with a SATA connector, and as you can see you could hook in another two fans.
Measured from the mobo backplate to the panel: roughly 1.0 cm. There is ample space for cable routing. However, all gaps and indentations do not allow for this to be a problem really. I know that sounds weird, but cable routing does fit well enough.