Computex 2009 - Day 0 Before it all begins

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Ending day 0


Computex 2009

The all new ION ready net-tops from some of the bigger names were on display at the press conference.

Computex 2009

Here some more of those... Pegatron? Seriously, I've never even heard of them.

Computex 2009

And here's Zotac's ION based motherboards. Pretty nifty and loaded with features. My question for the future is going to be, where and when is the border in-between a net-top and a PC fading?

Computex 2009

Oh for the love of gawd, how can you resist looking at that beautiful Pegatron IMX7A-AS motherboard :-)

Before we close this quickie day 0 overview and leave the exhibition grounds I'd like to remind you guys that we are giving away a GeForce GTX 285 personally signed by Jen-Hsun Huang, check out contest one, as mentioned on our frontpage.

Okay ladies and gents. So far this is the first report coming at ya straight from Taiwan. While typing this I realize I've now officially been awake for over 30 hrs, time to get some shuteye. Tomorrow will be the start, and though slammed with appointments late into the evening, I hope to actually be able to bring you a first report that day.

Computex 2009

Be sure to let us know what you think about our Computex articles in our forums, we love your feedback. Thanks, and catch you guys tomorrow.

Tomorrow you can also expect an NDA review from us on some new AMD processors, check back!

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