Computex 2009 - Day 5 - Girls of Computex

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Computex 2009 Day 5 - The Girls of Computex 2009

It's shameless we know, it's not at all related to journalism I know and you know what, it's not professional or even friendly towards women. But but any guy will agree with me, it's in our genes and as such I call a joker card on this. We men just can't help it.

Welcome to an article without a lot words, it's just women... the booth babes of Computex 2009. And to all the women in the world let me just say on behalf of sorry! Well... sort of :-)

It is with much pleasure that I have compiled this journalistic, properly written and well founded, but most of all well written and articulated article. On behalf of mankind and men in particular, dear girls you will be missed and we thank you very much.

Before we begin, a couple of notes. This year we used some pretty hefty camera equipment for 'product' photography. As such I wanted to show you a higher level of photos. This increases the file size very much and since we need to keep bandwidth a little under control I had to limit each page to three or four photos as we have roughly fifty photos to cover.

Here we go...

Girls of Computex 2009

First off, a little contradiction.
Tuesday morning, the girls arrived at the fair grounds to change into their costumes. Smiling, happy... going for a good day.

Girls of Computex 2009

Same day, closing time... here's how the girls look after being photographed for an entire day. I can imagine it's exhausting for these girls. But let's continue with a booth over of the Girls of Computex 2009.

Girls of Computex 2009

The AVC booth...

Girls of Computex 2009

Microsoft was showing off Windows 7. What a great OS to look at don't you agree?

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