Computex 2009 - Day 3 - The big One Oh One

Computex 2009 6 Page 11 of 18 Published by


Gigabyte GOOC


Computex 2009 - Day 3

So in another room at the Taipein 101 skyscraaper Gigabyte held the finals of the GOOC contest.

Computex 2009 - Day 3

I have a couple of photo's of the contest, yet left after 30 minutes. The room was small, and way too crowed to do any real reporting here. But enjoy a couple off photo's I'd say.

Computex 2009 - Day 3

Liquid Nitrogen was flowing man .. everywhere .. and I do mean that in the must extensive way I say it. At this stage a SuperPi competition was going on and I heard our neighboring country Belgium did really well here.

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