Computex 2008: Pre-show impressions

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1 - Intro and Pics

Hey there and welcome to the first, well semi-official report delivered to you all the way from Computex in Taiwan. As you have been able to read earlier our plane touched down today, I teamed up with the team from Point of View to travel half way around the world.

We'll start off today with a couple of photo's of some of the surrounding of Computex. I'm pretty tired so this article will be a tad short though. Since the team from Point of View wanted to check their stand and something went wrong with my press-registration we decided to head out to the facility a day up-front. A good idea as it will bring us a better understanding of what Computex entails in terms of organization, quite frankly when we arrived it was pretty messy.

Boxes everywhere, stands that where empty because a courier didn't deliver on time, since one of the buildings is completely new (Nangang). The building, although very useable, wasn't even finished. Funny, when I stepped into a lift is was still covered with foam protection on the inside, and pressing floor 5 brought me to floor 6 . ..  it's that kind of silliness' we run into. Though admittedly .. the TAITRA organization is doing a pretty amazing job.

Computex 2008

Here we arrive at the Nangang facility, I did not take any photo's of the entire facility, yet will do so tomorrow.

  Computex 2008

Here we are in one of the Halls, one day prior to the start of Computex. Getting things from A to B a little quicker surely does work well when you can drive around trucks in there.

 Computex 2008

With the pending opening of Computex everywhere you look you see staff being drilled and practicing.

Computex 2008

Here a more common stand which we'll tell you a little more about tomorrow, as you can see, heaps of work in progress. This literally was the theme everywhere, boxes, trash and a lot of people looking really tired.

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