Photos - BFG GeForce GTX 295 H2OC LE
At the other side of that pump a little control unit is to be found. What you are looking at is a little switch, each time you press it it will select another performance mode. There are three of them.
Setting 1: QUIET - fan operates at lower RPM
Setting 2: AUTO - fan operates dynamically depending on GPU temperature
Setting 3: MAX - fan rotation maxes out
If you press the button you'll hear a beep, 3 beeps for mode 3 and 1 beep for mode 1 and so on. If you hear 4 beeps then something is wrong, say coolant is overheating or a defective pump. So it functions as a built-in alarm as well.
Once we mount the unit into the PC here's what you will be looking at, in the lower compartment the graphics card with, located at the 120mm rear exhaust, the cooling unit.
Overall it's a pretty clean looking setup really, nothing too flashy...
Okay you guys this was the last spread eagled shot. It is time to wrap up the photo shoot and commence a series of military drills on this graphics card, yes... it's time for our benchmark session, Semper Fi!