Battlefield V Open Beta: PC performance benchmarks

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Graphics memory (VRAM) usage D3D11 and Conclusion

Graphics memory (VRAM) usage

How much graphics memory does the game utilize versus your monitor resolution with different graphics cards and respective VRAM sizes? Well, let's have a look at the chart below. The listed MBs used in the chart are the maximum measured utilized graphics memory during the test run. 


Graphics cards at the 4GB marker combined with the best quality settings will be sufficient up-to 2560x1440, but the game eats it all with Ultra quality settings as it caches as much as it needs. As such in the higher resolution, we'd close in at 5GB~6GB used. Fact remains that with a 4GB card you will not experience any problems as the game simply tries to fill up memory wherever it can and is needed. Up to Full HD (1920x1080) any 3 or 4 GB graphics card of decent caliber will do the job well. 4 GB will still be sufficient for 2560x1440. If you want to play Ultra quality with Ultra HD as preferred monitor resolution, 4GB+ is advised. Once BF V is released as a final, we'll obviously perform more in-depth testing.


So yes, this performance analysis is more limited then I wanted it to be. Frametimes I might still look into, however, perfmon crashes in the game and FCAT needs to be checked out still (yet I got locked out of the game for 24 hrs again). We tested DX12 mainly, as mentioned for the aforementioned reasons. We, however, recommend you using DX11 for now, it's far more stutter free and is a notch faster as well, we measured anything from 5 to 15 percent faster perf on DX11.

Positive news, I really enjoy the game and it looks great as well with our settings used. Mainstream graphics cards like the GTX 1060 will offer you a very healthy framerate at normal resolutions with all eye-candy turned on. Once the game is released for real, we'll, of course, perform an in-depth review with many more cards. The scores as they are now are far from definitive and could very well vary on any PC. Remember, we test on reference cards, your AIB card might be 15% faster by default already. Also, the game rendering engine is difficult to objectively measure right now, as some scenes pushed over 75 FPS, where on others you are at 40 FPS. For now, though it’s nice to know that those rocking a GTX 1060 or RX 570 have a lot to look forward too. At 1440p the game can be enjoyed in all of its glory with Vega 56 or a GTX 1070, and this being a Beta we expect things to only improve from here.

If you have a go in the Open beta, please do make sure you have installed the latest compatible graphics card driver, the new 18.8.2 or higher driver from AMD as well as at least 399.07 GeForce drivers. You can download the latest AMD Radeon drivers here and the Nvidia GeForce drivers here.

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