Battlefield Hardline VGA graphics performance review

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Video memory usage - Final Words & Conclusion

Graphics memory (VRAM) usage

So you would like to know how much graphics memory the game utilizes it versus your monitor resolution right ? Well, have a look at the chart below. Limited results, but it was all I have been able to gather until my game accounts unlock again for me.



We have seen some scenes use a little more and others a little less, so please take a 15% deviation into account. Mind you that we have only been able to test Ultra quality thus far as due to all the hardware changes we got locked out of the game. Ultra quality is and will be hard on the GPU, it looks good though. With 4x MSAA enabled up-to 1080P you'll reach roughly 2 GB of graphics memory. They balanced that out nicely. 

Once you go to WHQD at 2560x1440 we'll pass 2GB and since card in that resolutions often have 3 to 4 GB graphics memory, that's good as well. In Ultra HD you'll need a lot more memory as we jump towards close to 4 GB of VRAM usage. But hey, that's Ultra HD and MSAA x4 for ya. It's also indicative that say a GeForce GTX 780 Ti with its 3 GB of graphics memory will seriously run into issues. 4GB is the minimum, that or lower image quality settings and AA levels.




We had and are still having a rough time with battlefield Hardline. The game changed dramatically in the way it plays and feels, the cut-scenes are long and the game is slow to play. I guess this will not be my kind of game, whereas I really liked the Battlefield 3 and 4 titles. Hey taste differs, you guys might adore it.

With EA now checking Hardware IDs in your PC after 8 changes you will be locked out of the game. This hinders us massively in the number of cards and resolutions we wanted to test a we continuously swap out SSD drive images, graphics cards and change monitors. The new DRM even keeps an eye on CPU changes. Oh how I love Steam games right now.

We still have Ultra HD lined up for charts as well as FCAT frametime results, unfortunately ... we keep being locked out of the game due to the graphics card changes we need to invoke.

The game itself looks surprisingly nice, it requires a lot of GPU horsepower for what it renders though. We tested at Ultra quality with 4xMSAA, probably if you do not have a high-end class graphics card you might want to drop to 2xMSAA. Again, we wanted to test more  quality modes performance as well but got locked out of the game. 

Thanks EA !

Hilbert out, peace. 


Handy stuff at the end

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