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Is It Hot Out There?
Temperature wise the cooling design works really efficiently. At idle, normal operation expect roughly 35 to 40 Degrees C. At 100% VPU utilization we measured a 53 Degrees C temperature, which actually is really good considering you think about that it was doing. Speaking of cooling and thus ventilation, the cooling fan at 100% utilization does not make a lot of noise, which is a huge plus.
Graphics cards however tend to dump that heat in your PC which on their end can warm up. Always make sure your PC is well ventilated.
Excuse Me, Watt Did You Say ?
We see an increasing trend in power consumption. With the upcoming reviews we'll show you the difference. We simply look at the peak performance during a 3DMark05 session.
At idle the complete PC consumes 124 Watts, when we take SiSoft Sandra and utilize 100% CPU (no 3D graphics) then the PC will consume 210 Watts.
In 3Dmark the PC shows a maximum peak use of 250-260 Watt. Now you know why 300 Watt Power Supplies are not sufficient anymore these days.
So I think it's safe to say the graphics card consumes 50 to 60 Watts during 3D gaming.
To your left the PC in idle, to your right 3DMark05 is running and power usage is slowly building up.