Athlon II X2 250 and Phenom II X2 550 BE review

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Generic AMD Overdrive 3.0 screenshots

Generic AMD Overdrive 3.0 screenshots

I took the liberty making some screenshots of the improved AMD Overdrive revision 3.0, which will be released this week.

AMD Phenom II X4 955BE and 945

I just love the diagram tab. Click it and you get a quick overview of what is connected to your PC in a nice graphically enhanced environment. A very nice way to see how your hardware is connected and thus visualized.

AMD Phenom II X4 955BE and 945(generic screenshots done with another processor)

These are sample images, not done with todays tested processors. Here I have a Phenom II X4 955BE processor active. If you disable performance mode and flick the little green button, the processor will become very power efficient, as it will go as low as 800 MHz for its clock down sequence.

AMD Phenom II X4 955BE and 945

There's new improved fan control functionality as well. You can of course have the fans regulated automatically, but with the more noisy fans, you can manage them manually, as long as they are PWM ready of course.

The tool has many many options and features, so much more even that we can't show all of them in an already large review. But obviously overclocking and tweaking is of course what Overdrive is really designed for. Let's go to the next page and see where we end up with our overclock.

You can download AMD Overdrive 3.01 here.

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