ASUS TUF GeForce RTX 4090 Gaming review

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Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6  (API: DirectX 12)

We use a run with the best image quality settings for this game, the highest possible quality mode (Ultra). Games typically should be able to run in the 60 FPS range combined with your monitor resolution. From there, you can enable/disable things if you need more performance or demand even better game rendering quality. There's a lot of features you can configure, we recommend you to stick to the best quality settings and leave it at that. There are numerous possibilities. The game includes FPS limiters between in addition, to that there are different graphic presets like low, medium, high, and ultra, and an integrated benchmark. Optionally you can enable an HD Quality texture pack. Since we test with 8GB graphics cards predominantly these days, we install and enable it as default. 





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