Power Consumption
Power Consumption
We show energy consumption based on the entire PC (motherboard / processor / graphics card / memory / SSD). This number depends and will vary per motherboard (added ICs / controllers / wifi / Bluetooth) and PSU (efficiency). Keep in mind that we measure the ENTIRE PC, not just the processor's power consumption. Your average PC can differ from our numbers if you add optical drives, HDDs, soundcards etc.
Power consumption measurements will differ per PC and setup. Your attached components use power but your motherboard can also have additional ICs installed like an audio controller, 3rd party chips, network controllers, extra SATA controllers, extra USB controllers, and so on. These parts all consume power, so these results are a subjective indication.
The reason we do not table up temperature results is that we'd need to apply identical cooling over and over on all platforms. Also, coolers (RPM) react differently to TDP and variables like BIOS on all motherboards let alone brands. The processor peaks towards 65~70 Degrees C under full load on the processor package, this temperature is measured during a looped Prime95 1024M runs. We use a 360mm MSI LCS.
Above Prime95: Blended load (representable for an all-core generic CPU load)
Above: Prime 95 Smallest FFT (representable as a torture all-core generic CPU load stressing cores, L1 and L2, AVX).