Asetek Waterchill Antartica Watercooling

PC Cases and Modding 235 Page 9 of 13 Published by


Page 9 - Prepping the Graphics Card #1

Prepping the Graphics Card for SurgeryLet's have a look at the construction for the graphics card. Now this is a bit more delicate work and therefore I'll show you the entire process. First off, I wanted to watercool a GeForce 6 6800 Ultra. Unfortunately the waterbock delivered with this kit is not yet compatible. You should not have any problems with any Radeon or the GeForce 4 / FX series of graphics cards. So we took a GeForce FX 5950 Ultra.

Copyright 2004

A reference GeForce FX 5950 Ultra.

Copyright 2004

We carefully remove the housing by removing four little screws located on the backside.

Copyright 2004

Now this is all that remains and it is difficult to remove as it's almost glued on there with a hard thermal compound. If your graphics card is still warm then it can be removed more easily. Basically you gently make a rotating movement until the thermal paste will let go. Be careful as applying too much force can kill the card.

Copyright 2004

Once removed clean the hard thermal paste from the graphics core.

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