Final Words & Conclusion
Final words and conclusion
Good times, that is fun gear to play around with! Well, it's time to wrap up things and have a look at the good and the not so good. Eyefinity 3x1 works with different size monitors, and hey -- it actually works really well. The recent driver changes allow you to combine monitors and apply the power of multiple GPUs (Crossfire) to them. When we touch the topic of Crossfire, then we have to say this, you are probably going to need two cards if you want to play modern age games in a 6K x 1K resolution, as yes ... we are gaming with a resolution of 6 MPixels, and that's roughly three to four times more than your average 1920x1080 monitor. Overall performance with the help of Crossfire / R9 295x2 the most modern titles played extremely well. With older games you can certainly flick on even higher AA levels as well.
The new Eyefinity update has been thought through well. You create your preferred setup, install catalyst drivers, sort your screens and alternatively correct Bezel management. I really have to give props here to AMDs driver team for doing a superb job done there as it works well, a very proper implementation with a UI that requires very little configuration. Overall from a productivity or entertainment point of view the 3x1 monitors function really well, it's certainly the widest desktop I have ever worked with. It's kind of like having your own command / operations center at home, with each screen showing relevant information.
180cm width for gaming pixel pleasure is sheer fun
Gaming wise the setup is a heck of a lot of fun, but the reality also remains that with most first person shooters, the Bezel in the middle poses to be a cruel issue. So you do need to take that into account. There are lots of monitors with very thin bezels of course, but they will always be visible in some way or form. Find monitors with very thin Bezels. Non first person shooters will mostly work the best. Though I have not recorded the title, Anno 2070 has an incredible field of view. Eyefinity of course is very well suited for flight simulator and race fans as well. In the end though, as good as the technology really is, the biggest annoyance will remain the monitor Bezels, you either dislike them, or can life with them. Bezel aside, make no mistake: you'll play your games much more immersive as you'll have so much screen resolution to work with. The experience of playing games, in our case with three screens is simply put fantastic, the first minutes you'll feel a little confusion as your brain actually needs to process so much information it can hardly keep up. Once you get used to it (few minutes really) the 'wow' factor kicks in and the experience is just lovely.
Eyefinity does guarantee a lot of e-peen, great x-factor and a whole lot of fun in unprecedented resolutions. And now you can combine different sized monitors as well. It is a pleasure to play around with. So just to test, grab your old monitors and give it a go, it is a-hell-of-a-lut-of-fun !
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