Albatron K8SLI mainboard

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Albatron Bios Securitylinkbuttonbot.jpg

Something rather new and unique to see on this mainboard is an additional BIOS that Albatron calls ABS - Albatron Bios Security.

Should for whatever reason your BIOS die during a flash or really bad overclock, you plug in a small BIOS chip on the mainboard, then you can boot your system and fix the corrupted flash. The fun thing is, you can actually write to the flash chip on the ABS card. On the card you find a red jumper which allows selection of the active BIOS when the add-in card is installed.

Copyright 2005 -

ABS - Albatron Bios Security and on top the SLI connector.

Copyright 2005 -

Plug the card in, switch the red jumper that allows selection of the active BIOS and the add-in card is installed. Fantastic solution. Now not only does this save you the trouble of having your mainboard RMA'd, this saves Albatron's RMA department an incredible amount of less mainboards being shipped back. These BIOSes are cheap, way cheaper to include as standard compared to repairing and shipping back defective boards.

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