XCOM 2 scheduled for a November 2015 release
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Gameplay trailer or riot.
Weird trailer.
Retro UE look, but not retro enough to be on purpose and meaningful. Just low-budget.
How about revisiting 50's and Cold War, but with proper turn-based gameplay, not 3rd person shooter like in The Bureau
Im still waiting for this if it ever happens, First Person shooter XCOM.
Would looked cool now in U4E more particles and better shader detail
Edit: ok they mention 2010 and 2011 version but then they chose Enemy Declassified style from 3rd person/above, shame..
Guess they will continue with 3rd person in XCOM2?
First, my unbridled excitement had me going off the wall at the announcement, I am pumped. Then, being huge on the Xcome lore, my jaw hit the floor. Oh shi... We lost the war.