Xbox Series X / S are the only consoles that use the full capabilities of the AMD RDNA 2 architecture

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Druid Druid:

What I am more interested in is whether Sony has a good cooling solution this time around! I bought 3 ps3's all suffered from over heating problems due to there air vents for expelling heat being to small to get rid of the heat fast enough to keep them cool for extended periods of gaming. I bought a ps4 pro hoping to game at 4k on my 4k TV, how ever system would over heat in seconds no matter what game I played, resulting in me having to unplug the console as the only way to turn it off. Even watching Netflix 4k caused it to over heat, could only run the system at 1080p was very disappointed with Sony! So here's to hoping Sony can actually make a ps5 that does not suffer from over heating during extended gaming sessions. I'm use to gaming for 2 - 3 hours at a time between breaks during my days off from work.
Missed the horrible cooling of the Xbricked 360? The ps3 in comparision had way better cooling. Sounds like you did not clean your dirty turd of a console.
Even if I say'd I stop...:

Proof would be that AC:V is 4k/60 native on Xbox whole using upscaled 4k to do the same on ps5.
Please stop speculating about some things: From wccftech: "Now, before you Xbox fans start gloating too hard, there’s also a chance Ubisoft is upscaling on the Xbox Series X. The quality of upscaling has really improved in recent years, and it’s likely going to be a route many developers go down in order to devote as much processing power to basic visual fidelity." So yes you are speaking about a game that is not out... lol. The bigest problem i see whit XBOX and MS is the fact that PS5 is available in a lot more country's that XBOX, this is were sales will make a diference.

... You can't be rdna2 fully when rdna2 was OBVIOUSLY designed hand and in hand with Microsoft to connect their software (Dx12 ultimate) to their hardware (big Navi)...
Realy is this what you got from this (wow): “Microsoft and AMD worked closely on the development of the DirectX 12 Ultimate feature set to ensure a great experience with AMD RDNA 2 architecture” – Bryan Langley, Graphics Group Program Manager, Microsoft To me it say's that Microsoft and AMD worked on DirectX 12 Ultimate feature set for to ensure a great experience with RDNA 2 and not on RDNA 2. So they made DirectX 12 Ultimate to work best on AMD RDNA 2...

Xbox is locked and will always have its same performance all the time. Ps5 will max out at less than xbox and could potentially even fall lower (if it couldn't there would be no reason for dynamic and it would just be locked).
You know that INTEL, AMD and NVIDIA is using dynamic clock speeds on they'r CPU's and GPU's. XBOX seems that is just wasting energy. Why do it needs to be at full speed when a watch a movie...

Now what could the game have done if it weren't held back by ps5? Thats the real question and one we will never really get an answer to. This entire generation will be shaped by the need to not be a le to rely on all the benefits of of full rdna2 as well as having to design games so that they perform at "the bar" on the weaker ps5 hardware and not giving up a lot of room for the Xbox to show what it can do....
Wow PS5 not even out..., games are not using the full power of consoles until 2-3 years after launch...Then what about Nintendo... I can say just like you where will games be if consoles never came out (LOL)... Realy you are just a MS fanboy and this proves it. Sry but I will not engage on another conversation about this whit you @rdmetz ...

Xbox is locked and will always have its same performance all the time. Ps5 will max out at less than xbox and could potentially even fall lower (if it couldn't there would be no reason for dynamic and it would just be locked). .
I hate to break it to you that Desktop AMD and Intel CPUs do the same thing as what the PS5 is doing thanks to Turbo Boost. The same thing applies to AMD and Nvidia GPUs as well. They use boost technology as well. So Sony using a sort of boost technology is nothing new in terms of PC hardware. However it is new technology for a console system to use and it is new for game developers who only work on console games. Also the Xbox might run warmer than the PS5 because of it using locked clock speeds while the the other can boost down if it can't handle certain clock speeds.

First thing i said give me proof: 1. You just posted a Twitter post, really, did you think that if that was real they did not advertise it, where are the videos where the promote the most powerful console. 4 months have pass how can they miss such a chance.... On Twitter you can post what you want... Do you believe MS will slip such a oportunity to promote? I think not. 2. Dirt 5 and Watch Dogs are runing at same rezolution and fps. 3. And there are talks about the new Geometry Engine from PS5, it seems it will come to RDNA 3 or even later ones, so then this it means is better PS 5 (I don't know do you??). Once again I say we don't know yet if the king is Xbox s X or if PS 5 is we need to wait and see. So please don't trie to prove what you can't. I have Xbox and Ps from the beginning and don't care if one ore another wins. But to say any hardware is more powerful that another if you don't know them is blasfemie. Still we are on Guru3d here...
Sorry missed your reply as you didn't quote mine.. If you have both the PS and Xbox and always will then (welcome to the club, I also have Switch and previously bought all the other dodo's aka Commodore CD32, Jaguar and 3DO) just be patient and enjoy your ability not to take sides as you're soo spoilt. Take a moment to think that if MS really wanted to they could out price Sony on hardware and software till they die... but then they'll be back in the courts like "IE & netscape" there's a reason to keep the under-dog alive -- just don't snooze and let the underdog catch up! (Think ECO system more than console sales) (example: Intel and AMD in x86 now -- why do you think Intel gave AMD a free x86 license renewal?!?! If they didn't have a 'competitor' Nvidia would sue, get access to x86 and piss all over Intel in their usual aggressive style.. like they did with the MB chipsets until Intel refused to give them a bus licence for future CPU's)