Windows to get new Ultimate Performance mode
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Lol god damned jokers are running the show now. First "game mode" and now this. RS6 will have the ultimate emojis pack too.
If they can do anything, there has to be h/w support backing it eg. Speedstep. They're full of crap.
I was thinking of setting VM for this but that article is little misleading, that power plan is only in one version "Windows 10 Pro for Workstations" and not other likw Win10 Pro, so most will never see this anyway.
Next to come the : LUDICROUS mode
RIP stability and compatibility. time to finally install gentoo
What we really need is an "Unload all the s*** that isn't needed right now" mode. Heck, I would even pay £10 for it from the appstore.
To me it only makes sense if they will introduce new power plan settings.
I posted this in RS4 thread;
what's different in ultimate power plan?
Maybe post screen of parkcontrol.
I saw default High uses Frequency Scaling DC 5%, rest is at 100%, in bitsum's case this Frequency Scaling DC is disabled and set to 100%, rest also 100%.
Is this what ultimate power now does? If so, then its not very innovative xD
May be my tool will be more appropriate for such comparison
What no Ludicrous performance mode? I also don't ever remember asking MS or Intel to limit or reduce the performance of my privately owned and in my instance home made computer, so as far as I'm concerned arbitrary limits shouldn't even exist.
lot said "ho no i don't like W10" "i prefer Vista (btw the worse OS since M$ established)" "XP is far better (for the youngest it's the OS before Vista but better lol)...
I just say: Instead of bashing just come to the dark side, come to Linux... we have cookies, doritos and beer 🙂
more on topic it's just a mode that everyone should have already manual done for serious use of a desktop machine.
InB4 everyone complaining that microsoft is introducing a new feature into their operating system for no reason other then if it's microsoft:
Add new feature? - Complain
Don't add a feature? - Complain
Oh, nevermind, you all already beat me to it.
Doubt i'm going to use this, seeing Gaming Mode caused more trouble than it did good for me.
I have no issues with stuttering either (using 1703).
HATE. Hate. More hate. Burn em to the ground. So rational.
Seeing a lot of people getting worked up about nothing again. Seems to be a recent trend on this site. They probably just renamed the high performance plan. I wouldn't imagine it would be that much different. Anyways don't really care about this because I use balanced plan with my OC and speedstep.