Two AMD based TRX40 motherboards from Asus Get Listed at Etailer

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Intelripper 😀
Those kind of comments does not help the general health of the forum. Just to say. Intel is far from dead, is just loosing grip among hardware enthusiast ( half of them ) I probably hooked as a fish to the comment too.
What people who post stuff about intel or amd probably don't think about is, who owns these companies? I bet they have major stockholders in common. Buying from one or the other probably doesn't matter, ultimately. AMD is an offshoot of Intel and they swap employees like there's a revolving door. In a sense, you could think of them both as one big company. I wish Nvidia made PC CPUs.
I love how people like to beat a dead horse, personally i don't have any favorites, just buy whatever is best on the market that fits your budget. We seen shift in the past from to the other, and atm AMD is the right choice for most, but people thinking that intel is dead... or that this will really make a difference are not realistic, the market share is still favoring intel and will take years of continuing to improve and intel being asleep for it to be a "Intelripper"/"IntelDeathWatch", with how much money intel has, they can bounce back and stump on AMD as they have done in the past, i personally don't want neither company to take a serious lead over the other, nor i want either to die, i would like both to continue to battle for marketshare and improving their offering both in price and performance side, and have both cpu offerings co exist in the market. There are rumors that nvidia is starting to test waters entering the cpu market, i personally never understood why they didn't back in the NFORCE Chipset days, and there are rumors about ARM also coming... so certainly the cpu market will have a nice battle for market share over the next decade.

Lets cut out the crap 😛 If it were not for ryzen we would still be paying silly prices for old intel fabrication - yes we still need both companies
Most likely 4c/8t i7 10700k for 400$.