Toshiba Adds HDD Offerings with 4TB and 5TB Models
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Meh, i'm happy to wait another 2-3 years for the SSD's to catch up in capasity. No more clunky drives for me.
Good to hear old school storage is becoming bigger and affordable.
I don't think i will see anytime soon a viable method to really recover data from a SSD.
When i mean recover,i mean cases when damage is on the hardware side,not software.Even so,SSD are the biggest fear of those whom recover data for a living.
Given that HDD prices still haven't descended below pre-flood levels, I refuse to pay for what is clearly a case of price fixing on pure principle. It's been over three years now and HDDs still cost more per gigabyte. What's really sad is that when or rather if HDD manufacturers get prosecuted, they'll just get a slap on the wrist like RAM fixers did back in the time.
In the meantime, I can always delete stuff from my current drives if I need room.