The Witcher 3 4K Ultra Settings Video

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Titan X barely doing 30FPS at 4K is worrying... and like you said, this is prior to the day one patch which apparently has further graphical enhancements.
The brick wall at the start of that video is really immersion breaking. It's totally totally flat. I hope a little bit of at least tessellation makes it onto that wall on Tuesday. We've had tessellation on walls like that since the secret world came out and that was a long time ago now. Looks like I'll be ok for 40-50fps at 4k to be honest
Titan X barely doing 30FPS at 4K is worrying... and like you said, this is prior to the day one patch which apparently has further graphical enhancements.
A) The game runs very well. German source but with google translator you can pick some parts out
for Ultra-Details and Full HD already a fast middle-class card like a GTX 770 oder R9 280X is sufficient Impressive: Despite very likeable grafics and mostly tasteful and diversive texturing, the Witcher 3 was already happy to be played in full HD with 2Gig grafic card memory This advantegous usage of resources even allowed us to disable hyperthreading and undertact the processor below 2GHz and still be able to play with Ultra-Details on a stable framerate. The usage of the remaining and additionally handicapped processors spiked in this scenario to 100%. Should you have a more-or-less recent quadcore with about 3 GHz and a good middle-class GPU memory, you should with our recent results not only get the optical most beautiful but also most fluid version of the Witcher 3.
Not only that but they weren't playing with the drivers nvidia (and maybe amd) will release before launch plus the day one patch is meant to improve performance. B) The day one patch does not add any graphical enhancements
Also Windows 10 will give it a nice gfx boost for free? 🙂
No. /10char
How on earth people can say this game does not look amazing is just blind, pure and simple. This video right here DESTROYS the console version. That opening scene with the distant trees, the fog seeping over the mountains, the textures on the balcony all look outstanding! Not to mention the hair effects, the weather effects blowing the trees, the god rays bleeding through the scenery. Even if this game has had a graphical downgrade you can not argue that it is simply breathtaking to look at. Also remember THIS VIDEO IS AT 4K!!!!! Consoles can barely keep 30fps at 900p/1080p in this game and the settings are way off Ultra (looks like some effects are either turned off completely or set to low/medium maybe only textures are on high). When a game like this can be achieved at 4k resolution on a SINGLE GPU!! and still manage a playable 30fps. You know that we have arrived in the true next gen era!!!
They look exactly the same, pc version may appear a bit sharper but other than that... nothing.. utterly disappointing.
No, check out the ground textures, the lighting, the amount of tessellation on the characters!? Seriously, I am the only one with perfect 20/20 vision and can immediately see the difference? Not to mention PC = 4K achievable on single GPU with 30fps, PS4 = 1080p/sub 30fps, XBO = 900p/1080p (dynamically scaled depending on load) at sub 30fps.
Thank you Xbone and PS4 for f**king up the concluding game in this PC trilogy. I can guarantee Microsoft and Sony pressed CDPR to go along with their parity crap as to ensure console players don't get all bent out of shape if they were to see how much worse their version would have looked. And this BS about being only able to make 1 version of the game is nonsense. All CDPR had to do was make the game as originally intended with the glorious PC graphics, and just port the lowest quality settings over to PS4 and Xbone! But instead they seem to have pulled an Ubisoft move like we saw with Watch Dogs and completely castrated the PC so all versions look almost identical. Well... it seems the only game developer left that has never once disappointed me did exactly that. ugh... no brothel could ever stay in business with that kind of bright lighting! (the old gameplay video on the right looks to be much more compressed)
This sort of comment undoes any argument. 30 fps is not nexgen even if its running at 4k. 30 fps is not even a playable framerate and anyone who says otherwise has no place commenting on fps and gfx in general. The consoles cant even do 30fps at 900/1080? Well, with all its extra power the PC cant even do 60fps at 4k on a single gpu... Hardly next gen at all.
Not sure if you remember a little game called Crysis? Yes, 30fps generally isn't a great framerate to have in games. But if it's a CONSISTENT 30fps (i.e. not much fluctuation, very few major drops), 30fps is quite easily playable.
Suffice to say the lighting on the right looks much better..
Here's the video that I took that screenshot from. [youtube][/youtube] They're deleting threads and comments over at CDPR's forum which mention the downgrade and how they had promised PC to be substantially better graphically than console versions. Back in 2014 when that 35 minute gameplay video was released, CDPR stated that the graphics were not even set to Ultra, and that the highest graphics setting is going to be a "surprise". It sure was a "surprise"....
I wish people would stop talking crap about it's the consoles fault. The original video was just that, A video that they hoped the final product would look like, some of it was in fact CGI. Some of it was running on a system that may have had many GPU'S. who knows. As for game engines. From what I've seen and read, Normally you have the Maxed PC version and drop quality where needed for consoles to run acceptably. Maybe people should ask CDPR about the quality in detail,lol.
With every new video they release this game looks worse... how disappointing. First one on the horse they showed looked beautiful now is just plain ordinary and below...
But that's just it...videos are not going to provide a true 1:1 perfect 100% recreation of a game actually running in real time..;) There are compression artifacts that cannot be eliminated, as well as frame-skips & jumps & stutters that also are part & parcel of making a video of in-game sequences. From the videos I've seen of supposed actual gameplay it would appear that most of them suffer from severe compression artifacts. The videos I will agree are disappointing as the IQ does indeed look unacceptably low. CDPR could put all of this to rest by releasing a short (or long) demo of the game that will run with 100% of the image quality possible in the full game. Otherwise it isn't going to be possible to judge from the videos, I'm afraid. It's difficult to believe that CDPR would put out a Witcher game that looks as bad as some of these videos...;) They'd better not be "saving" the good PC stuff until an EE version, either...;) Unless CDPR has a death wish, I mean...;) Edit: Take a look at these in-game screen shots--absolutely gorgeous--and really illustrates how fake most of thsi "downgrade" garbage is...;) It seems I was right--CDPR is not that dumb after all...;)
I'm not really sure as to what their idea with this was, why bother ever saying it was going to look that good when it couldn't, it makes no marketing sense as the Witcher is an established brand and the majority of people don't care that much about the graphics. Comparatively wtachdogs was a new IP and had no playerbase, so in that case any morons you can get to preorder are bonuses. If it had looked as it does now in the trailers people would have been mildy disappointed, but I cant see it affecting sales much, and if they blamed it on the consoles (Because lets face it, consoles are the worst) the majority of people would have been fine with it. All this says to me either, the extra stuff they're releasing is going to be really good, or that they really overestimated what the consoles could handle, or their dev team could handle in terms for adapting for the platform.
I wish people would stop talking crap about it's the consoles fault. The original video was just that, A video that they hoped the final product would look like, some of it was in fact CGI. Some of it was running on a system that may have had many GPU'S. who knows. As for game engines. From what I've seen and read, Normally you have the Maxed PC version and drop quality where needed for consoles to run acceptably. Maybe people should ask CDPR about the quality in detail,lol.
It is common knowledge the Consoles are underpowered so keep wishing cos people aren't going to shut up about it any time soon, games are simply scaling badly from console to PC because consoles don't have the horsepower to run them at the same level as PC so developers are forced to cut corners and introduce stupid things like parity which only undermines the pc community.
I can just imagine the meeting where the cute Polish woman hired as a consultant comes in a at some point says, "platform parity," before showing sales charts from EA and Ubisoft and an ROI graph of PC exclusives.
Sorry not buying it. If the dev wanted to have a very much higher end PC version, that could have been done. From what I've seen, there is barely any difference between high and ultra, which is strange. Sick of people talking about PC'S as if there is only one type. Many would struggle to run games at a much higher rate. As for highend systems, people waffle on about 4k. The graphics are not good enough to warrant 4k. Not even close. Pc users should be happy in the fact, they can run the game with more aa, higher quality in some area's, higher framerate if you have the hardware. As for the graphics of this game, it is nowhere near the best looking game. The trailer was a demo made to show off the type of combat, game play. But the problem was, It was a trailer shown off with ultra high end ubersampling which was never coming lol. I game on both PC and PS4. But the saltyness from PC users is comical. Most steam users won't even be able to run this high 1080p with AA.
Breaking news!!! CDPR makes public statement regarding The Witcher 3 graphics parity-gate!
I wish people would stop talking crap about it's the consoles fault. The original video was just that, A video that they hoped the final product would look like, some of it was in fact CGI. Some of it was running on a system that may have had many GPU'S. who knows. As for game engines. From what I've seen and read, Normally you have the Maxed PC version and drop quality where needed for consoles to run acceptably. Maybe people should ask CDPR about the quality in detail,lol.
Why don't you go compare the final product with the 35 minute long gameplay video from about 6 months ago. It's like night/day. No CGI either. Remember how a few months ago the install size was announced as being around 40gb? Go check it out now. It's been "downgraded" to 25gb. Go visit CDPR's forums and you'll see what's up. Even the moderators who have been hardcore defenders of the developers have gotten to the point where they simply can't defend this crap.
Sorry not buying it. If the dev wanted to have a very much higher end PC version, that could have been done.
It WAS done! Look at the 35 minute long gameplay video from 6 months ago. It looks FAR superior to the final product. All those assets and high quality post processing effects were removed from the game. At the time the game was supposed to be 40gb+.... then came the delay which CDPR claimed was for fixing bugs and "optimizing". But it turns out their definition of "optimizing" would more accurately be defined as "downgrade, enable parity, make all platforms equal". Now the install size is around 25gb. I wonder how they lightened the game by so much? Goodbye interior lighting quality, screenspace reflections, particle effects, tessellation, i mean... WTF?? here's another example: December 2014 build: Final PC Ultra build: Notice how in the december build the light that directly hits the stone is diffused and illuminates the shadow areas in the background. Look at the ground textures as well. Heck... look everywhere!
The underwhelming feeling I get from watching this latest video is disheartening. I was afraid this would be a trend with every hyped title from here on out, but I was expecting more from a company that had origins on PC. Graphics don't make a game... but to bait us into false sense of expectations then take it away right at the end, does not sit well with me, that's why I agree with the so called "whine" than to just sit there and surrender to such practices in the future.
Well, we don't really know how big that day1 patch is, maybe its just a thing to prevent the leak to be played at max quality. And once its official it will restore its gfx fidelity, if not then they fcked up really bad.