The iPhone 5 versus the .50 Cal

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Hardened plastic versus human bones and limbs. But yeah, it blew the corner clear off.
Niiiiice 🙂
I second that :thumbup:
What a waste.
wow the iphone 5 is tuff, considering that .50 cal can severe limbs off people with one shot
Yeah that little flash on an Iphone at such close range is something totally different from pieces of Afghan flying everywhere at over half a mile away.
I thought it was made with guerrilla glass? hehe...
You betcha. I would have never wasted the .50 cal rounds on an Iphone.
haaaaahahaha nice first post fun video, i like RRs stuff
I thought he would at least get it right through the center.
I thought he would at least get it right through the center.
That was my second reaction, i mean if you can't hit the center, move closer!:bang:
i kinda feel this video is sponsored by samsung..... :P
I enjoy seeing Apple products being destroyed. I used to like Apple's mobile devices until I found out they started suing every other mobile company. I truly hope Google can get them by the balls and squeeze as hard as they can.
Are you aware that Google have sued the US government back in 2010? Yep. Acted like a bunch of little cry babies.
Google against the federal government claiming that the U.S. Department of the Interior did not properly evaluate Google Apps when choosing a new Web-based document system. Google alleges that because the Interior Department specified that the system needed to be part of Microsoft's Business Productivity Online Suite, Google Apps never had a chance despite repeated attempts by Google to explain the product.
Google have all this tracking data coming in on every person and every device. Ever think at what point they plan to do something with it? And seeing as it's a US based company, we've seen enough things where the US thinks they're the center of the world. People like to say how evil Apple are yet you should dig a little deeper into all the other companies and who they are suing constantly. They all believe they are protecting their company.
I don't know why you keep defending apple in every thread, you can't really change someone's opinion. Apple is just the target ATM, and with the idiotic lawsuits they make, you can't really defend them
It's not so much defending Apple. It's trying to open peoples eyes to not believe everything that is spoon fed to them by the media. And to jump on wagon with everyone else. If there's one thing worse than extreme fanboys. It's the people on the other side throwing stones in glass houses. You're just as bad as everyone else if you can't see other companies that do the exact same thing.
Personally, I couldn't care less about Google's lawsuit against the government. The US government isn't really that great in the first place nor do they follow their own rules, so it's kind of pointless to me to bring that up as an argument. Apple acts like crybabies a LOT more than Google ever has, though. Suing companies for having rectangular devices with rounded corners isn't frivolous? Get your head out of your ass. Yes, there are a LOT of companies who act like everything ever made was their idea, but Apple is taking it way too far. I didn't defend Google in my post, anyway. All I said was I hope Google gets Apple by the balls and squeezes. Apple deserves to lose.
Get my head out my ass? Piss off. Apple sued Samsung for that Tablet because it was a down right bloody copy flat out. For that particular tablet I 100% on them suing Samsung over it. Now every other tablet hasn't managed to looked like the iPad, but theirs did. Their connectors look like Apples, their box, their photos, their design you name it. It was a flat out clone. And if you can't see that your head is so far up your ass you'll need to have it surgically removed. It's alright for Google to go around suing everyone. But f@#$ Apple period.
If that was Chuck Norrises iPhone the bullet would have stopped in midair. :P
LOL. Or the nokia 3310
Was ok but would have been better if hot lesbo's were shooting the 50.
Apple sued Samsung for that Tablet because it was a down right bloody copy flat out. For that particular tablet I 100% on them suing Samsung over it. Now every other tablet hasn't managed to looked like the iPad, but theirs did. Their connectors look like Apples, their box, their photos, their design you name it. It was a flat out clone. And if you can't see that your head is so far up your ass you'll need to have it surgically removed. It's alright for Google to go around suing everyone. But f@#$ Apple period.
Its just a a simple "Good artists copy, great artists steal" situation, or at least when you do it better. That said, I do not care about the lawsuits from big company to big company, they all steal/copy from each other and who are we to tell us they are wrong? The only lawsuits from Apple that I did not really like were to "logo/brand" lawsuits against little coffeeshops in germany or australia, that just felt a little weak from Apple. But as many others(While not on this forum apparently:P) I am a real sucker for Apple products and have many(also ordered the Iphone 5), for me there is no real competition thus far. No reason to bash me on this, no "Android is way better fool". The company that really worries me is Google though! They are positioned exactly right to be able to control everything.
I am more interested in seeing the "bulletproof" case he mentioned and how it stands up. ANY phone at that close range is gonna end up like that.
Funnily enough I watched this vid last night. Awesome rifle.
It sure is. The only downside is how it costs me around $5 every time I pull the trigger. Reloading is essential in ownership of such a beast. an older vid of me with my Barrrett 50.