Star Wars Battlefront II Buyers Have Complaints Lots Of Them (updated)
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One part of it really bugged me so I just had to fix it.
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and for the PC
Neo Cyrus
From what I heard the 75% cut to the grind cost for characters comes with a decreased in-game income almost entirely making up for that 75% cut...
So Darth Vader will cost 15K instead of 60K... but it'll take you 4 times longer to get that 15K making it the same as 60K previously.
$80 games filled to the brim with pay2win mobile shit-fest micro transactions. And I bet they'll succeed.
Cave Waverider
What's also bad is that Arcade co-op is missing from the PC version (Not even complaining about the lack of split screen co-op, but online co-op like even Battlefront (2015) had woud be expected at least). All kinds of game modes are missing from the predecessor, too. And don't get me started on the random gambling boxes that just ruin any fun of progression.
I really don't get why you have to level in a multiplayer shooter anyhow. I miss the good old days where everything was available to everyone from the get-go and player skill was the only thing that counted.
Neo Cyrus
"Hold my beer" -ea
Game will be plagued by cheaters : Legal ones and illegal ones ... Tell me i'm wrong.
This is why cash shops in game are bad idea and perfect example of how it can go wrong. after seeing how EA treats Swtor which it treats it as cashshop above all other things. I saw this happen to other starwars games. not that this only happen to starwars games.
Everyone needs to point their justified anger towards Corporate Commander.. Get him fired and all will be well.. 🙂
Not surprised by any of this considering EA was voted the worst company multiple times.
Neo Cyrus
"the game developer said on Twitter that he has received seven death threats."
Although I do not support and encourage any kind of terrorism, I must say that I deeply sympathize with the guys who are revolted with such disgusting policies, practiced by greedy companies like this one. I would personally like to meet some guys (developers/owners) from Warthunder and/or Wargaming, for example, to give them a lecture or two in kick boxing, free of charge...
I do agree that lootboxes essentially are gaming, which is okay, as long as you don't have to pay with real money and still be able to properly keep to F2P gaming. Only that it's hardly possible in most cases I believe.
It's just that we probably can't do anything besides not buying such games / loot boxes with real currency.
EA has gona off the deepend and have gone to far, i dont even blame developers for this it most likly the publisher saying do it, the dev take the heat for it and publisher just goes in to PR mode.
Loot crates or luck box or cash shop box SHOULD NEVER BE IN GAME had to pay for in first place
im just gona post this here and then hide
that is the point there should not be cash crates of anykind in game that had to be bought in first place. and even at that and thing from the "cash" shop should only be cosmetic