Star Wars Battlefront 2 patch v1.2

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Anyone still plays this game? I thought it would be buried in the rubble pretty quickly.
not i, but yes there is more than on BField1 server... yes haven't expected that either
The MP in this game is quite fun - it doesn't have the same depth as battlefield, but for any star wars fan, it pretty awesome 🙂 Sadly this patch has completely broken the game - it crashes on startup, and it seems to happen to nearly everyone.
double post

Anyone still plays this game? I thought it would be buried in the rubble pretty quickly.
I do. Apparently quite a few others too since I have no trouble finding a 40 player match.

They totally killed the game. After the update it's StutterGalore 5000. I'm flabbergasted that they allowed this so called patch to be pushed. EA has done it again..... 😡
No stutter here on windows 10 1607, Vukan beta drivers with the rig in my profile.

Sadly this patch has completely broken the game - it crashes on startup, and it seems to happen to nearly everyone.
Starts fine here.

I do. Apparently quite a few others too since I have no trouble finding a 40 player match. No stutter here on windows 10 1607, Vukan beta drivers with the rig in my profile. Starts fine here.
Yes, after the hotfix yesterday, it's fine again...

Yes, after the hotfix yesterday, it's fine again...
Oh I updated recently so maybe I missed that and went straight to the hotfix. Never mind.
Honestly I'm just playing the first one...

I do. Apparently quite a few others too since I have no trouble finding a 40 player match.
Maybe I should try it with Origin Access to see what the fuss is about?

Maybe I should try it with Origin Access to see what the fuss is about?
It's not a bad game in my opinion. Most of the complaints were about lootboxes but those were removed from the game and haven't come back since. So I'm not really sure what people are complaining about now. I think people just like to complain to be honest.

It's not a bad game in my opinion. Most of the complaints were about lootboxes but those were removed from the game and haven't come back since. So I'm not really sure what people are complaining about now. I think people just like to complain to be honest.
I have a friend who bought the super ultra gold version and he didn't complain about the loot boxes but instead about the countless bugs he experienced after many hours of gameplay. He didn't specify what they were but that was his opinion (and the one of his team mate).

I have a friend who bought the super ultra gold version and he didn't complain about the loot boxes but instead about the countless bugs he experienced after many hours of gameplay. He didn't specify what they were but that was his opinion (and the one of his team mate).
Maybe I got lucky because I've yet to experience any bugs on this game. I did buy the game later on though so at least from my experience I can say they've ironed out most of the bugs.

Maybe I got lucky because I've yet to experience any bugs on this game. I did buy the game later on though so at least from my experience I can say they've ironed out most of the bugs.
The patch seemed pretty extensive.

The patch seemed pretty extensive.
Yup it does. Still I never experienced any bugs when playing. That doesn't mean that you wouldn't. Well at least look at it this way; it's more stable now compared to before the patch. Perhaps try it on origin access if you are considering it.