Star Citizen crowdfunding nears $35 million
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Shame on me that I only found out about this game recently. It looks spectacular though, and now with such a budget it can really become amazing. I just hope it will not take too long for them to finish it, or to launch it in open beta at least.
I wish this was how all games were funded/developed. It's a win/win for all. The developer gets the money needed, the game gets developed without the pressure the current approach (via publisher who is nothing but a leeching middle-man) inevitably manifests, and the users get a voice in the game via donations and input during the development phase and post releases.
It also has demonstrated conclusively that people are willing to pay for quality. I can't count how many times I've read on various forums where people volunteer, even beg to pay more for a game to ensure it's made and made well. The current trend of games being developed as nothing more than interactive movies in unending sequels is killing the industry. If this is all the newbies see they will think this is the high water mark in gaming when actually it's a horrible decline. Awesome graphics do not make a game...period.
Im not trying to be devils advocate but could they take the 35 million knock up some **** space sim and piss off to the Bahamas, or does the contributers own a percentage of the a game and get dividends when the game sells, ? Just asking.