Skylake Core i7-6700K clocks to 5.2GHz on air cooling

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We all remember the 5ghz Haswell and 5ghz Broadwell 🙂 This seems too good to be true, especially the voltages used but let's keep our fingers crossed that these chips really do overclock better than previous generations.
The best news is that you don't have to delid to reach those speeds 😀
Oh goodness...seems the wait have been worthwhile 🙂 Edit: Just saw 'engineering Sample'...but here's to hoping actual production units are as capable 🙂
Maybe, just maybe, it's time to put my 2600k out to pasture. I just realised the other day I've had it for over 4 years. Fours years in computer terms in ancient. I think my body is ready but whether my bank balance is ready is another matter. New mobo, new ramz (this new chip is DD4, right?). Hmm. If it was DDR3 it'd be a no-brainer, DDR4 is still expensive. edit Oh apparently it supports DDR3l? I'd still have to buy some but at least it's cheap. :banana: edit 2 DDR4 isn't as expensive as I thought. It seems my knowledge is as old as my CPU. :leave:
Maybe, just maybe, it's time to put my 2600k out to pasture. I just realised the other day I've had it for over 4 years. Fours years in computer terms in ancient. I think my body is ready but whether my bank balance is ready is another matter. New mobo, new ramz (this new chip is DD4, right?). Hmm. If it was DDR3 it'd be a no-brainer, DDR4 is still expensive. edit Oh apparently it supports DDR3l? I'd still have to buy some but at least it's cheap. :banana: edit 2 DDR4 isn't as expensive as I thought. It seems my knowledge is as old as my CPU. :leave:
Depending on the chipset that is 😉
The best news is that you don't have to delid to reach those speeds 😀
Why do you say that? It will have the same crap TIM as Haswell. That slide about enhanced packaging and thermals is from Devils Canyon btw 🙂
We all remember the 5ghz Haswell and 5ghz Broadwell 🙂 This seems too good to be true, especially the voltages used but let's keep our fingers crossed that these chips really do overclock better than previous generations.
i was 4.8ghz nearly out of the box with haswell, but i stay this way as not on an OC board. sometime you pick a nice one someone not i remember my 9560EE who can do only +200mhz and should have replaced my 9550 who does a 4.2ghz stable (and still as i know the one i have sold)... one was good and other where exeptionaly bad.
Maybe, just maybe, it's time to put my 2600k out to pasture. I just realised the other day I've had it for over 4 years. Fours years in computer terms in ancient. I think my body is ready but whether my bank balance is ready is another matter. New mobo, new ramz (this new chip is DD4, right?). Hmm. If it was DDR3 it'd be a no-brainer, DDR4 is still expensive. edit Oh apparently it supports DDR3l? I'd still have to buy some but at least it's cheap. :banana: edit 2 DDR4 isn't as expensive as I thought. It seems my knowledge is as old as my CPU. :leave:
CPU's have not moved on that much so 4 years not much has happened. Hence why you see alot of people still on Sandybridge.
Why do you say that? It will have the same crap TIM as Haswell. That slide about enhanced packaging and thermals is from Devils Canyon btw 🙂
Damn, missed that :bang: Aaah well, time to bring out the vice! All hail the vice! :banana:
Question is how high you'll have to OC it to be worth while upgrade over your 2600k. And how high it will clock with different ram, and will there be performance difference based on timing, type too? If intel wants me, they'll have to bring 6-core i5. I can wait till 8-core Zen is here and if that fails, I can then see what intel offers. But I care little for 14/10nm and its lower power consumption, I want that performance.
I'm still very happy with the 2600K, it's old but still a very fast CPU that performs brilliantly but 4 years, you know? It feels like upgrade time but frankly I don't really need to. If it can reliably get to 5Ghz on decent air cooler I'll probably feel motivated enough to invest in the new chip.
noone needs to upgrade a 2600k to be honest.
CPU's have not moved on that much so 4 years not much has happened. Hence why you see alot of people still on Sandybridge.
Honestly, they have moved on, just not in the ways people want them too -- or the needs people think they should fill. People always refer back to the Core 2 days, or the Sandybridge days when it comes to processors -- but if you actually go and look and see why, it's mostly because the release of those chips increased FPS in actual game titles, especially the Core 2. This doesn't happen anymore because games are mostly GPU bottlenecked. I don't really know what people expect. Like even if Intel somehow created a processor with 20% additional performance across most synthetic benchmarks, it wouldn't do anything for performance in most AAA titles. In fact the only perceivable gains you would receive would be from like encoding, software rendering, etc. It's not like you're going to see an application open faster, or excel scroll down a spreadsheet quicker or something.
noone needs to upgrade a 2600k to be honest.
They do. It's not only the CPU, you have to take the chipset into account too! The P and Z sersies from the Sandy era are obsolete when it comes to USB 3(.1), amount of PCI lanes and implementation of newer tech like M.2 etc. Some might argue that you wont need it now etc but in the future you will, and if the same (crystall ball I know) happens again with the 2-5% increments in performance you'll be damn happy with modern features like M.2 etc.
Damn, missed that :bang: Aaah well, time to bring out the vice! All hail the vice! :banana:
+1 My birthday present, a big vice was delivered this morning! :banana:
+1 My birthday present, a big vice was delivered this morning! :banana:
Congratz man! Have a nice day and enjoy it 😀 :cheers:
They showed 5Ghz Broadwell a month ago and look how that turned up, it barely did 4.2Ghz in HH review. I'm still not giving up my Sandy for another quad-core. Gonna wait a little bit longer i guess.
They do. It's not only the CPU, you have to take the chipset into account too! The P and Z sersies from the Sandy era are obsolete when it comes to USB 3(.1), amount of PCI lanes and implementation of newer tech like M.2 etc. Some might argue that you wont need it now etc but in the future you will, and if the same (crystall ball I know) happens again with the 2-5% increments in performance you'll be damn happy with modern features like M.2 etc.
If you're going to update your system every 3 or 4 years, why future-proof it? Future-proofing is for people who actually use the hardware for quite a bit longer than 3 or 4 years.
Question is how high you'll have to OC it to be worth while upgrade over your 2600k. And how high it will clock with different ram, and will there be performance difference based on timing, type too? If intel wants me, they'll have to bring 6-core i5. I can wait till 8-core Zen is here and if that fails, I can then see what intel offers. But I care little for 14/10nm and its lower power consumption, I want that performance.
6-core i5 is probably not going to happen soon, unless DX12 does some significant magic tricks which is doubtful. Sandies are gonna go strong for a few more years if you ask me. I have absolutely no intention on upgrading. Sandy @ 4.6GHz 24/7 is very good performance if you ask me.
We all remember the 5ghz Haswell and 5ghz Broadwell 🙂 This seems too good to be true, especially the voltages used but let's keep our fingers crossed that these chips really do overclock better than previous generations.
This. My 4670k needs 1.205 for 4.2Ghz and ~1.3 for 4.4Ghz, and 1.3 AVX2 on air is no-no. Even with an H100i it ran hot, especially now in these hot summer days. Oh silicon lottery, why do you always fail me so. Skylake is the same, a lottery.