Rumor: Nvidia to use GTX 1070 and 1080 in laptops
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At computex ASUS showed a 18" 4K, mechanical keyboard, liquid cooling with 660W of power... using 980 SLI.
Something is definitely up with the 1080M/1070M MIA.
They belong in a laptop with that volt lock...
Sounds like a good idea to me because of how successful the 980 was in laptops.
izzy snow
I've been wanting to get a laptop to compliment my PC for when I'm at lunch at work. I usually finish my food in like 15-20 so that gives me 40 minutes to game. Looking forward to getting a laptop with a 1070 in it.
Cave Waverider
Sounds good. I like the idea of a full 1080 in my laptop.
Old 100watts MXM3.0b is dead; confirmed.
Long live 200watts MXM3.0b.
Make Desktop Cards first tho, screw Laptops for now!
You could easily do it if all the GPUs are cherry picked for coolness and low wattage and then on top of that just reduce clocks and power.
The question is will they be able to use 8gb of GDDR5X in a laptop along with a 1080 gpu because it might not be worth it if you need to down clock it first.
I think a 1080 in a laptop could easily do 4k @ around 20" without an issue while pushing decent frames.
2048 CUDA cores