Ruling: Fortnite not back in App Store, but Epic can keep its dev license
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No surprise here?
Uhm, what? Clearly and very easily spottable, this will be the direct consequence of this whole thing. Buy a new iPhone, right now you can't instal Fortnite on it. Damage to customer (bystander) done already.
I'm kind of fed up with companies trying to instrumentalise customers with psychological tricks to try and fight money battles with public opinion. And Epic very clearly does this again after their tackle of Steam.
And guess what? In the end the customer will see now difference wheather he paid 60$ for a game on steam or EGS. The reset is just company tactics to trick customers as pawns in their games for big money which will never benefit any of us here.
Precisely as @fantaskarsef said. It's hard to be sympathetic to either party. Also, I have not seen games cheaper on Epic's own store for PC Games.
The consumer will hardly get a win here.
Hopefully game developpers on Unreal Engine can start breathing again.
Can't they both lose, somehow? :P
I enjoy this as I don't care for either company I used to like epic but then they chose to kill unreal tournament in favour of fortnite which i still cant believe this new generation prefers the game to me is just a cheesy steaming pile but hey that's just my opinion and majority rules.
I really want Epic to succeed in its endeavour.
The smartphone application market is too big to be ruled by Apple and Google, no wonder they're getting bigger than countries and able to bend governments including the U.S government.
The elected government should not have to adapt their legislation so Apple kindly decide to relocate abroad funds while contributing less to public services.
You can't let self centered capitalistic interests drive the funding of governments. Isn't it the whole morale of this pandemic? Health care is not a privilege, it's a public necessity and companies like Apple have to pay their part.
I want Epic to win because it would open a possibility of competition and crack open Apple and Google monopoly on their respective user base application marketplaces.
I don't want Apple and Google to share 50/50 a 20%+ growing market, there needs to be competition.
I have no problem with this outcome - as an Android user.
When you sign up to Apple's ecosystem, you know exactly what you've signed up for. It's a safe environment.
If you can't play the games you want to on iOS, buy an Android phone, PC or console - the choice is yours.
what does epic dev license have to do with apple? how can apple revoke epics dev license to there own engine?
This could been avoid if epic didnt pull what they did know they would be violating terms, then trying to sue cause THEY violated terms that got them pull in first place.
But i dont get how apple threating to pull there dev license, what does APPLE have to do with there license or is ment to revoke them from developing on apple platform only? which would make sense, but i dont see how they can revoke there dev license in the sense they wouldnt not be able to maintained there own engine which what they article is eluding too.
then why was this in the article
Because of the violation, Apple also threatened to revoke Epic's developer license. That would mean that Epic would no longer be able to maintain its Unreal Engine platform, which also runs other games. Microsoft, which uses the Unreal Engine, stated that license revocation would be "disastrous".
This only effect epic developing on iOS has nothing to do with multitude of games use the unreal engine. and would not effect there ability to maintain the unreal engine
The judges ruling to not revoke license should not have any bearing on this cause it ONLY effect them maintaining there unreal engine. with in iOS and no where else
I do not feel like not having fortnite is a loss for the customer that buy an iphone now. If your primary focus is playing fortnite on mobile you will choose your phone accordingly. Buy an android and play fortnite.
Buying an iphone and pretending to not know how its store works leads to problems anyway