Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto V for PC on January 27th 2015

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Conflicting messages here.. it all went down console road.. indeed it did.. this is now changing. People do care to make good pc games these days.. there are numerous examples of PC games that are not ports. History repeats itself. There are more people with gaming pcs these days, and console users are starting to get pissed with high priced consoles, games, and having to pay for more dlc on systems that do not offer the same level performance as even a mediocre pc can. Mark my words.. console does not have the pull that it once did. PC is coming back.
I'm not sure if you are living on a surface or in some underground bunker away from reallity. Yes, we do have HW power on our side compared to consoles but gaming industry in not that much on our side, not at all. ATM it's all about consoles and hype game developers, Microsoft and Sony are trying to produce more and more console hype to convice more and more PC players every day that is's good to have a gaming console. Delays like this are good example for that, GTA V could be finished long time ago if there are no consoles like PS4 and XB1. "Little" more money transfer from Microsof's and Sony's bank account to Rockstar's bank account and that's how PC version get's delayed. Wake up man...
PC Gamers: "We have to wait two extra months, I'm done waiting FU Rockstar" January 2015 same gamers...."BEST GAME EVAAAAAH". If you're tired of sloppy ports, or long delays, or missing out on exclusives, if you're sick of spending large amounts of money to deal with the previously mentioned things, STOP GAMING ON PC. It's as simple as that. I did it. I've been a PC gamer since the original voodoo through the introduction of ati and nvidia, into the FX blunder (owned a 5800 ULTRA FX blow dryer). I have a mid-range rig that plays older games cranked up and thats it. I got tired of spending more time trying to make a game work than actually playing the game. Missing out on console exclusives or even stuff like Madden that hasn't seen a PC release in forever. Takes some getting used to but worth it in the end. It's just not worth it anymore to me. Not financially, not time wise, not for any exclusives....(there are none, yeah yeah star citizen and an hour of a buggy game like the forest don't do much) it just quit being fun. My buddy got dead rising 3, he has a new high end intel cpu and a 780ti, game ran like crap, kept crashing, etc. When he finally got things working he goes "man this game kinda sucks..." I laughed and said, " yeah, I figured that out way faster on xbox one when I put the disk in and the game just ran". He called me some crappy console boy names and we laughed. But it's an exact reason why I gave up. Dev's gave up on us, I gave up on the hope it will get better.
I don't want to trade my favorite gaming platform for some HW inferior console crap. My gaming roots are strongly tied to gaming on computers, but like all 25+ years gaming veterans here (I've been playing games for more than 35 years on all kinds of platforms) I had periods of gaming life playing games on all kind of platforms: arcades, early home gaming consoles, C-64, A500, A1200, PC, PS1, Dreamast, PS2... but in past 15 years PC is my main gaming platform with all good and bad things all of us are aware of about gaming on PC. I don't want to trade high quality keyboard and superior mouse for some crappy gamepad or to jump in front of screen and console camera like some idiot. Call me old fashioned PC gamer or whatever you like but I'll rather smash my KB or MO with hammer and give up gaming on PC than play some new AAA game year or so earlier on some crappy console.
I already knew it was coming out next year.. but noooooooooooooo everyone said otherwise.. well bam.. here is the official news.
Why does he have to wake up? These days PC gaming is doing very well, not as good as the consoles but the fault for that lies at the cancerous feet of PC gamers who look for any excuse to pirate or boycott a game. MS and Sony don't need to waste throw money away paying Rockstar to delay the PC version, it's not anything close to a threat so why would they waste the money? PC gaming is on the up for the first time in for the first time in years, celebrate that rather than being so negative. When you look at it from a technical point of view, it's crazy that the PC version isn't delayed for every game since it takes so much more work.
I'm not boycotting this or any other game for PC that's worth my money, but from now on no more preorders for me until I'm sure I would get what I've payed for. If I can't get it for PC in some reasonable time at least I want to see final product and comments of others who played same game on PC before I decide to give my money. Earlier I was doing opposite: had preordered lots of games for my and gaming rigs of my sons just to realize that game I've preordered in unoptimized, unstabile, full if bugs... Until game becomes descently playable weeks, sometimes even months had passed and price eventually has dropped and I felt nothing more than robbed. About MS and Sony "wasting their money" you've said: I'm not sure you know how business work these days but "small donation" from them to RS to make same fake "because of additional content" game delay for PC I wouldn't call money wasting: it's called smart investment away from eyes of public and that's how things now work in every business. Releasing GTA V for PS4 and XB1 both Sony and MS are going to get 2.5 months of advantage over PC version and some HUGE numbers on their bank accounts. Many unpatient PC gamers who can't wait for 2.5 months more will buy GTA V for their PS4 or XB1 consoles and lots of them are going to buy also a PC version later to see the difference or to play at highest possible quallity. Question for you: are you going to preorder PC version of GTA V few months earlier? It's your money, do with it whatever you want but don't tell all those Rockstar's excuses and delays and finally 2.5 months of delay over PS4 and XB1, or even woorse almost 1.5 year delay over PS3 and XB360, is worth my money for preorder 3 pcs of game for me and my sons. If you have money for wasting give it to me and I'll gladly do preoder with that money. Everyone has it's oppinion, this is mine about whole this situation about GTA V delay for PC.
I'm not sure if you are living on a surface or in some underground bunker away from reallity. Yes, we do have HW power on our side compared to consoles but gaming industry in not that much on our side, not at all. ATM it's all about consoles and hype game developers, Microsoft and Sony are trying to produce more and more console hype to convice more and more PC players every day that is's good to have a gaming console. Delays like this are good example for that, GTA V could be finished long time ago if there are no consoles like PS4 and XB1. "Little" more money transfer from Microsof's and Sony's bank account to Rockstar's bank account and that's how PC version get's delayed. Wake up man...
No, actually I've been living in reality as a PC gamer since the original Civ. I've played my first console games on the Atari. I'm not just talking about hardware power, I'm talking development. If you choose to partake in the [misleading] console hype, then of course that's going to affect your viewpoint of the gaming industry. And where has that hype gotten Destiny btw? Its got a lot of people let down and disappointed.. and rightfully so when you spend more money on marketing then on development. The reality actually is that PC gaming is very alive and well and on the upswing. Steam sales and users would support that, as well as the users playing games like DOTA and LOL and still WOW per year. If you think that just because some consoles are hyped up and that they get a couple exclusives [that tend to eventually make their way to pc anyway] that it makes console gaming superior, then I'm not sure what to tell you. It was all about consoles.. this is not the case anymore. What's sad about PC gamers is that they tend to whine about crap that doesn't merit it.. "omg, we have to wait an extra couple months for a port of GTAV?!??!?! AAAAHHHHH [continues to lose mind].. for what? Anything that is worth anything is worth waiting for. I've been waiting for Star Citizen, Grim Dawn, Witcher 3, DA3, and yknow what? I'll continue waiting and be patient and support the developers who are keeping PC gaming alive and well. $Hit, even Epic of all developers are working on Unreal Tourney 4 and will be FREE to pc gamers since its being actively built alongside the community. Where is that on Console? Star Citizen now over 50+ Million in crowd funding.. Where is that on Console? Although it may "seem" that developers are not on our side, that does not make it so. I respectfully recommend you reassess the industry, and industry I currently work in.
Thing is, i was thinking just like that few days ago. Now i'm starting to doubt should i really buy a new GPU just to be treated like a dumbest sheep (2 month delays or ports like WD etc,etc...) I wish i'm wrong , it just feels really unfair to be PC gamer sometimes. Or maybe i just overreacted about GTAV , it's for sure not only good game coming out for PC...
I haven't even paid the least bit of attention to GTA V after I spent $ to get a copy just to see how it would play on my XB360. Boy what a horrendous experience that was.. So since then, I figured I'd wait till it came to PC, and here it comes.. so for me I'm not bothered how long it takes. And yes, there are plenty of great titles on their way to PC and some that are coming to PC only. Plus, its not like your GPU will be mediocre after only 2 months..
" Like what though? Elite, StarCitizen, Pcars...
Unreal Tourney 4 Grim Dawn Toxikk Pillars of Eternity Lichdom Reset Eve Valkyrie Dreamfall Chapters Survarium (Like Metro/Stalker sort of) Killing Floor 2 Dreadnought Little bit of everything honestly..and plenty more lesser known games too. Add to this list the multiplats and there really are no shortage of games coming to PC. Edit: also forgot Gauntlet, and the forest.
Finally a release date as this is probably my most anticipated game and maybe its for the better in my case. I'm thinking about a post Christmas GPU upgrade and if there was a highend single GPU that is (wishful thinking) 2x faster than my current setup with GTA V bundle, that would be pure win in my book. There is no doubt the mods make the replay value of GTA games even more valuable so hope it has open mod support on the PC platform! I still play GTA3, VC, SA and 4 on and off with all the mods out there so I can wait a little longer.
Some of people here don't know that PC version was in making at least since 2012, thus making PC version delay is kinda ridiculous and dissapointing.
That's true, but the holidays season is more about kiddies, who would more likely to have consoles than PC... just hope the delay for the PC version is due to improvements being made. Most likely the delay this time is because they couldn't get all three platforms done in time, so they did the PS4 and Xbox One first, then will finish off the PC version a bit later. Who knows, maybe it's a combination of both reasons :S. It's not too long to wait though, people aren't going to rush out and buy an Xbone One or PS4 just to play this game, if they already have a good PC (I mean, properly good) to play it on and having to wait 2 months.
They will be delaying it to make maximum profits, they will be hoping that people who own a PC and a console will get it on console first and then get it on PC afterwards. If they release it at the same time, people who own a PC and console will only get it on 1 platform.
1) No they don't, you just made that up. 2) Ubisoft downgrade as they have problems optimising games.
Rumor: Ubisoft Intentionally Downgrading The Division on PC
Ubisoft is apparently ordering the developers of The Division to downgrade the PC version to match its console counterparts. This claim comes from an anonymous source supposedly working on the game. According to this unnamed staffer, “publishers” are currently pushing for more uniformity between PC and console games, a doctrine that has apparently already led to several downgrades in The Division. “There is definitely a lot of push coming from publishers to not make the experience so different on consoles as to alienate people into thinking that next generation is not as powerful as PC,” said the developer. “This is probably what happened at Ubisoft Montreal. I think that while making stability changes is definitely important, it does not completely obliterate a lot of enhanced rendering applications.” The reference to Ubisoft Montreal, of course, is referring to suspicions among many gamers that the PC version was made intentionally worse to mesh more closely with the versions being released on PS4 and Xbox One. These suspicions were ignited by a modder’s discovery that higher end visual settings had apparently been left in the code of the PC version while being disabled in the actual game. Ubisoft responded by claiming the additional options were removed on account of potential performance issues. The changes to The Division, meanwhile, apparently already include the removal of “screen space reflections” as well as other alterations that the source claims have reduced the game’s visual quality so that it’s “not as good as the original reveal.” They would go on to affirm that gamers can expect that Ubisoft will “never fully disclose” the true details behind these sorts of changes. “They will not admit that they practice this or actively downgrade a game,” they said. “It is much easier to say they removed things for stability which is often a lie as you can tell by the post-issues which are expected in any production we do.” They additionally expressed their hopes that game company’s making “false promises” about their games will stop creating hype “that they ultimately cannot deliver on.”
There is obviously no way to know if it's true but I wouldn't be surprised if it was
Rumor: Ubisoft Intentionally Downgrading The Division on PC There is obviously no way to know if it's true but I wouldn't be surprised if it was
I wonder what does Apple think of things like this? Doesn't Apple have a minimum quality level for software on their platform like Nintendo? When software is ported or developed, I would expect both of them at least to push for maximum fidelity and performance to make their platform THE system to play on. If Apple does this, it would totally benefit PC since hardware wise it is technically the same now. Or do they just roll over just so they even "have" a version on MacOS? But it would be hard for anyone to evangelize the PC/Mac platform due to the all the players involved in the PC space, except for Microsoft but they're conflicted due to xbox platform also. Look at the bull c r a p pc inititive group that finally went away and died. Just pure marketing and no substance. But I can see the console companies pressuring software companies about not making their platform look bad after all those PSx/XBOX/PC comparisons. It would hurt their sales if a superior PC version existed or was available at launch. At the end of the day, just vote with your wallet. If we can have a PC version on par with next gen consoles but with open mod support, that can still move a lot of buyers over to the PC platform. This is what I am hoping for from Rockstar. They do make good games with great story telling and if GTA V is held up to polish it for each platform, I am all for it. I think the true future PC Master Race Full HD game platform may really be spearheaded by Value and Linux if they can group together and set a higher standard. I will wait for the next dumpster bin summer sale to consider any ubisoft game.
There is no doubt the mods make the replay value of GTA games even more valuable so hope it has open mod support on the PC platform!
That's the only reason to get the game on PC for me, I couldn't care less about the shiny shiny graphics. It's also the one thing that I think may disappear, or be very unmod friendly. Remember Rockstar make considerable sums of cash from the Shark Cards, part of incentivising these cards is the constant free DLC for stuff that costs stupid amounts of in game cash, e.g the latest Coquette car costs the best part of 850,000 gta Dollars to buy and fully mod. What happens to their Shark card profits when players no longer need R* to release free DLC? What happens when players can just mod the cars in themselves? You then add in the weapon editors, money editors and all the other editors that appeared for GTA4, despite R* not officially supporting modding for the game. Oh the community will no doubt find a way but since R* weren't losing real cash on folk modding stuff in to their GTA4 games they couldn't have given a toss, when folks modding stuff in, especially online stuff, starts to hit their GTA 5 Shark Card profits you can bet they will start paying attention.
FU Rockstar Games!!! No one stands behind us PC gamers these days. :flame: "...Rockstar Games is proud... with the PC version to follow January 27, 2015....blah...blah...blah..." RS, you can stick one proud to some place of yours where sun don't shine as far as I'm concerned. No more vaiting for GTA V for PC from my side, preorder canceled...
People keep on saying stuff like this, for YEARS now and yet here we are with another "console exclusive" coming to PC, just like Destiny will. Its nonsense honestly. For as many people may pirate it, TONS more will purchase it. And also, just take a look at how many people pirate console games on public trackers alone. Seriously, let go of this concept.. its been debunked.
That's not very logical, by your idea all games are on PC, because by your idea, there would be no reason not to, regardless of pirating....but there are many exclusive games on consoles, not even simply one console, simply no PC version.
I wish you guys would STOP with all this "give them more time to polish and optimize" BS. How many games were delayed Q4 2013 and Q1 2014? How many of these games delivered? Who remembers Watch Dogs?'re saying...that we should simply demand even more buggier games being released rather then give them more time? Hmm.....
DirectX 12 anyone? "Direct3D 12 allows a lower level of hardware abstraction than earlier versions, enabling future games to significantly improve multithreaded scaling and (decrease) CPU utilization. This is achieved by better matching the Direct3D abstraction layer with the underlying hardware, by means of new features such as descriptor tables, concise pipeline state objects, and draw call bundles. Reducing driver overhead in fact the main attraction of Direct3D 12, similarly to AMD's Mantle (API);[43] in the words of its lead developer Max McMullen, the main goal of Direct3D 12 is to achieve "console-level efficiency"." Obviously we can't know how well this will work until we see games utilizing it well, keyword, well. But if as you state on your quote you quoted, it wouldn't make sense for microsoft to even try according to that quote "The Xbox One will also receive DirectX 12 as a software upgrade. However, the special version of DirectX 11 (DirectX 11.X) that runs on the Xbox One already has some of the features of Direct X12, in particular it has draw bundles, from which the DirectX 12 bundles have evolved.[47] Microsoft has cautioned that the performance improvements that shall be brought by DirectX 12 on the Xbox One will (therefore) not be as dramatic as on the PC.[48] Independent developers have confirmed these reservations, noting that Xbox One hardware is rather limited by its (pixel) shaders."
Been out the pc gaming loop for a while but does opengl still exist instead of direct x and I don't think the ps4 uses direct x.
For full Dx12 capability, you need a new card, and Windows 9, as Dx12 is also hardware, and i agree with the above, we don't need Mantle, as Nvidia have shown, as their cards are faster in Dx11, than AMDs are running Mantle. Moot point anyway, as Dx12 will put it to rest, as why on earth will games designers do Mantle, when Dx12 is the same thing, and AMD cards can also do it, they'll just be doing Dx12 (both AMD and Nvidia), and Mantle for a few games for AMD (as it won't be in every game like DX), instead of just Dx12 for both of em :P
Whats the story with Dx12? Is it gonna be like "You have to buy a new GPU that supports Dx12 like in the past with Dx updates?" Or do the Gpu's that we have today able to use Dx12 to the fullest once it comes out?
Nv says it's the latter.
Whats the story with Dx12? Is it gonna be like "You have to buy a new GPU that supports Dx12 like in the past with Dx updates?" Or do the Gpu's that we have today able to use Dx12 to the fullest once it comes out?
they said that the current gpus will be able to use dx12 till some extent. To use to the fullest you'll have to buy a new gpu with full dx12 support, someday in an uncertain future.
u do understand that u need a dx12 capable gpu and win 9?
Even if i did, which i don't, why exactly would that matter? I'm just trying to figure out how my post had anything to do with my PC or anyones PCs or the requirements of DX12
For full Dx12 capability, you need a new card, and Windows 9, as Dx12 is also hardware, and i agree with the above, we don't need Mantle, as Nvidia have shown, as their cards are faster in Dx11, than AMDs are running Mantle.
From what i have read, and i could be wrong, the low level API, aka the thing that will make Mantle not really matter, will be supported on older hardware (up to a point ofcourse) it's the new graphical features (such as new blend modes and conservative rasterization) that will require a new GPU, yes?
lol.:stewpid: Honestly, 16 months. Im so annoyed that im over it and have no hype left. I'll just play it on ps3 and be done with it.
He's just trolling for the sake of trolling, getting tiresome now. I bet Witcher will be a lot worse.. Just like his imaginary WD2 lol