Review: Total War WARHAMMER DirectX 12 PC GFX & CPU scaling performance
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Hilbert Hagedoorn
Any idea how this game runs in APU? I havent seen many test of APUs in DX12
Im still waiting for all those magic next gen u4e games and what not, so far only RoTR and Doom came a bit close to the word "nextgen", at least visually.
I agree that NVIDIA doesn't really have a "true" DX12 architecture yet, but I don't agree on ****ting on their products so much. If you don't really expect a tremendous uplift with DX12, their stuff is ok. The problem they have is that they sell with "DX11 pricing" which doesn't seem to correspond to the DX12 performance against similar Radeons (look the Nano vs the 980 for example).
I'm not even sure I know what the definition of a "true" DX12 architecture is. Unless you just define it as GCN. Which I guess is basically what it's going to come down to, since DX12 is essentially built off of GCN's capability.
It just bothers me when I read posts like "Maxwell and Pascal are single threaded" which is like just complete nonsense. Like if you're talking about actual threads, it's super wrong, but even if you translate it from he's trying to say, that it can't mix compute/graphics, it's still wrong. Maxwell can mix compute/graphics.
Hardware Survey. AMD has 25,46%. That's more than double, but GCN is the target platform for Apple and all the consoles on top. They are big, but on PC and the PC is not the end of all things. All AAA titles have engines tweaked for GCN, otherwise it would be a commercial suicide.
They have 56,64% of the gaming PC market, according to the Steam Yxskaft
I'll be very disappointed if the final release of the DX12 patch for public doesn't support feature level 11_0/11_1
The point, as usual, is moot.
NVIDIA cannot be ignored because (as already stated) putting out a PC game that only runs well on a quarter of users is pointless.
And even if NVIDIA was tossed aside by devs thanks the prominence of AMD, and things like GameWorks on GitHub for UE4 didn't work... it's not like they would lay down and give up. Same as AMD, these companies are too big (or important) to fail.
It's the dynamic we have had for a long time now like it or not, Intel makes CPU's, NVIDIA makes GPU's, and AMD serves as the only competition to both. If either three companies are on the verge of falling they will be saved.
I'm just tired of people spelling doom for NVIDIA or AMD (obviously no one spells doom for Intel lol).
It's so melodramatic.
Maybe I'm reading into this too much, but the way this all comes across is what I've been seeing more and more of for awhile now. And it seems no hardware, software, or video game quells the dooms-day-sayers.
If anything amds drivers are better than nvidias with pretty nice boosts in performance even for older cards something you just don't see with nvidia.