Radeon RX 6800 (XT) Sneak preview (Unboxing)

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6800XT will be mine... MINE !!! *evil laugh* ... next year 🙁 Expect availability to be zero the whole rest of 2020.
"A derivative is the Radeon RX 6800 (Pro); this actually the same card as the 6800 XT, but let's call this somewhat castrated and probably the favorite card for many BIOS tweakers 😉" Shades of 6950/6970?! Yes I (still) have my 2x 6950 unlocked sitting here! Oh my goodness... I wonder if these can do CrossFire because 2x 6800 may be faster than a 6900XT?
I've got to be honest here, backplate looks like a tin can, and the label on it doesn't help at all. Good thing there are vertical mounts, and water blocks. If the performance is right, nobody cares about the backplate though.
Looking at those specs and TFLOPS, I wonder what 6700 (XT) is going to be like. The gap between 5700 XT and 6800 is about the same as between 6800 and 6800 XT. Of course the ray tracing will be there, but where is it going to be placed in traditional workloads? It would be quite pitiful if 6700 couldn't leave 5700 to eat the dust.
Tomorrow RTX 3060 Ti ????? I'm confused 😀
Hilbert, can you gives an indication when you are able to post benchmarks, so we can finally judge for ourselves if AMD has got something competitive? Because I don't trust marketing numbers at all.
want it, @ Mpampis I actually think the backplate looks well designed and I particularly like the way it wraps round the card and doesn't seem to have sharp edges. Am told 2pm is the release time on Weds so will be online, paypal is loaded already and waiting
Beautiful. Cant wait for the 18th.
@hh this tease is not healthy :P
Crazy Joe:

Hilbert, can you gives an indication when you are able to post benchmarks, so we can finally judge for ourselves if AMD has got something competitive? Because I don't trust marketing numbers at all.
Well, since they launch in a few days, probably on launch date like the Ryzen 5000 series, or just before. Which means that you can judge before buying.... because, why would you buy it without having any knowledge of performance?
Crazy Joe:

Hilbert, can you gives an indication when you are able to post benchmarks, so we can finally judge for ourselves if AMD has got something competitive? Because I don't trust marketing numbers at all.
I'd assume it'll either be tomorrow or Wednesday (release day).
Holy EVERYTHING. I have not waited for a gfx card so much as i have for this new series from AMD. I will cross my fingers that they deliver OK performance and pray to all the old and new and ANY gods anywhere that i might grab myself a 6800XT as soon as they drop for ordering here in norway.
No confirmed pricing for Australia yet but I'm expecting the 6800XT to hit above $1000 here (which is out of my budget right now). Maybe I'll continue using my Vega 64 for another 6 months or however long it takes for stock levels to normalise along with waterblocks to become available.
As a side note, I giggle at the "WELCOME TO THE RED TEAM" text on the box. It's like they know a lot of nVidia users will switch to them... The message is obviously not for people who already have an AMD card, since they are already in the RED TEAM. I expect to be flabbergasted by the performance once I get it, poor GTX 1080 is so far behind already... (And yes, I know it's a high-end card, but 4.5 years old now...)
Oh look another Paper Launch coming... Just like Nvidia. Both companies are hand in hand will fk us all. ENJOY.

Hardware Unboxed video indirectly suggesting that the 6800xt outperforms the 3090 in Watchdogs and Dirt 5.
It might do that for raw FPS but cant it come close with RT on.......

Hardware Unboxed video indirectly suggesting that the 6800xt outperforms the 3090 in Watchdogs and Dirt 5.
Valhalla also. I can't wait for reviews!

6800XT will be mine... MINE !!! *evil laugh* ... next year 🙁 Expect availability to be zero the whole rest of 2020.
Yeah, I'm beginning to think that it'd be 'soft launch' of sort. I called a couple of the shops I go to in the local tech mall, they have no word on availability and price. I was even informed by one of the shops that I can expect the 6800 series to be available on the 25th instead, and only in very, VERY limited number. I think I won't have a chance to snag a 6800XT till, well, when it becomes easily available.....like sometime next year I guess.
Depending On the actual performance this could be my first high end dedicated graphics card from AMD I'd like the 6800xt but with exchange it will be around that 1000$cad mark the non xt looks like it could be good for my budget. At this point I'm so fed up with Nvidia that I dont even care if these perform slightly less if the price is right.