Qualcomm rejects Broadcom bid of 121 billion dollars
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Shut up and take my...
If i was invested in this company id be glad they rejected that shit in all my years of being a pc enthusiast broadcom has produced sub par consumer products. Nothing innovative nexgen or high quality for lower price point quite the opposite they just suck up IP and sell it. Even a quick search will net you results of stock fraud and lack of innovation and quality in their wifi driver stack. i dont really give a dam about the suits and they fraud it is common practice in that field but having shitty driver support and cheap china chip set and claim your innovative is a real issuse for this guru.
Currently, qualcomm's intellectual property portfolio and SOC's are pretty good quality. Over the last decade qualcomm has given the world in my eyes the best Arm soc and performance per dollar vs other arm competitors and x86 counterpart intel & amd. I think they should find a company that would invest in innovation and continue producing low cost quality products like their soc & radios, as well as, high quality high performance consumer electronics.
If not whats is left china soc, apple & samsung soc? powervr? mediatek? fk that i want ATI biotch hhaah. Broadcomm gets qualcomm and few years down the road it turning into a cheap china soc with spoofed specs bad power consumption that blow up after 2 months use but still want top dollar.
Broadcom produces subpar consumer products? I own several Broadcom, Intel and Realtek based network cards. I'll take Broadcom over Intel and Realtek any day of the week. As for wireless networking, Qualcomm and their Atheros wifi chips are a damn joke that's almost as bad as "Killer wifi".... Even Rivet (owners of the Killer branding) don't bother with Qualcomm anymore. Now Intel is producing the "Killer" wifi chips.