Oops? Qquiz app on Facebook exposes personal data of 120 million users publicly available
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Oh, another app that did a "facebook" (exposing personal data without consent, and yes I'll coin that term for me now).
Not surprising. I mean people freely have their personal information entered on the site but they also have no clue how to set their privacy settings so this does not happen.
Facebook. Too big to actually care other than stating they do. š”
I tried that app in the past few times, but later disabled any app interactions, it also deletes your data later.
I'm glad I don't do any of those quiz things or games on Facebook. Literally, just use it to keep in touch with family and marketplace.
Best way to deal with Facebook is not having a Facebook account.
I log in to Facebook about once a year. "Social" media is not for me.
People have been socially messed up since ever. Internet didn't change anything. Some people should really check their memory.
I don't understand how can be people SO stupid to keep the apps platform enabled.