Nvidia shows updated RTX On trailer for Atomic Heart

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Yawn... Call me jaded, but this looks super generic. Graphics looks good though, albeit not awesome for indoors.
Is it just me or the game looks bad? Even 2017 Prey I thought it looked better and more immersive.

Is it just me or the game looks bad? Even 2017 Prey I thought it looked better and more immersive.
I think that the trailer from last year showcased pretty good graphics.
CANT WAIT 🙂 [youtube=iMyuZxYjiXw]
Nvidia must be super happy with Atomic Heart. By the time anyone can actually play it, Nvidia will have used it to sell 3 generations of video cards...
Soviet Bioshock 😉

Nvidia must be super happy with Atomic Heart. By the time anyone can actually play it, Nvidia will have used it to sell 3 generations of video cards...
I'd like to task you with finding one single person on this entire planet that bought a video card in anticipation to Atomic Heart.

I'd like to task you with finding one single person on this entire planet that bought a video card in anticipation to Atomic Heart.
Dont forget its developers and maybe some shareholders.. maybe they will finally able to play it with reasonable framerate 🙂
Visuals are nothing to write home about. ((( Atomic Fart )))
Is anyone else getting playback errors on embedded youtube videos lately or is it just me using Firefox? Keep getting below instead of video playing... works fine in youtube in its own tab.... An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: vICnBGecI5fuDxQJ)
Rtx trailer = just a trailer Marketing bs.
The last hype train crashed. I don't know if i should this time?

zzzzz. the mirror in quake 3 in 1999 was more impressive. RTX!!! MAKING MIRRIORS GREATE AGAIN! lol.. what bs. now if u dont have rtx, mirrors are just blurs. what a leap forward..
Wallabi with the IGN take.