NVIDIA Might Cancel GeForce RTX 3080 20GB and RTX 3070 16GB
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Andrew LB
Andrew LB
Andrew LB
was going to post a list of all that's wrong with this RTX3000 release but it would be too long lol
if AMDs are that good I hope we'll this time have water blocks for them, decided to water cool my gpu while waiting for amd/nvidia next card I'm never going back to air-cooling it works better than cpu water cooling as we have larger blocks covering more component
At this pace I'd probably buy AMD, give me RTX 3080 20gb or I'll get an AMD
I get a kick out of stuff like this. Also all the people who sold there 2080ti for like 500 dollars who were going to get one of these it might never come lmao !!!! AMD could be the big winner if big navi comes in and beats the 3080 plus is in stock. Nvidia are the evil empire now like intel was like 5 years ago
Nvidia really, really screwed this one up royally.
I was sure they'd massively impact AMD's sales figures badly by virtue of releasing over a month in advance.
They basically self inflicted an injury when anticipation for their product was at it's greatest.
How could they not have predict the number of samples required prior to release?
Were they not in daily communication with their suppliers?
AMD has now got the opportunity to claw back and even surpass those early Ampere sales numbers.
'Cluster'...comes to mind.
I have a 2080ti liquid cooled and am waiting no matter what to see what Team Red have its been many years since I had an AMD card and I would prefer one, always find Nvidia cards tend to diminish over time, plus they have their share of software and driver issues, however if the 6000 is no significant uplift on the 2080ti I will skip a gen, I dont think extra Vram will make a massive change to the results and frankly the games I play the 2080ti can easily cope
I'm glad I'm 42 and have the days of needing to have the top tier GPU on release day long behind me. Alas, I also do remember buying the GF256 on day one, as I did with GF2 Ultra, GF3 and the GF4 Ti 4600 and I distinctly remember the rush that came with it, so I don't judge. That said, relax, it's ok, we'll get our 3080s in January. Or we might get something even better in March. Breathe.
Seems like Samsung really dropping the ball with the yields.
True people are just too impatient! I am 33 my self ...i was always on a budget since my pentium 3 the first and only computer my dad brought me when i was 12 with the agreement that i will never bother him for updates , after that i just kept saving every penny i was given and brought the geforce 2 ti ... I still remember the rush and the happiness ! But no launch days here i picked up the habit of waiting for full reviews and for the price to normalise so buying on lunch for me ..is about 3 months after the official release of a product ....give or take a month!
There aren't any yield issues, its a demand problem pure and simple.
The amount of unique 3dmark scores using a ampere chip are 3.5x that of Turing measured at 4 weeks after launch.
I know I responded earlier but...
Unless you really have more money than you know what to do with, unless you REALLY REALLY NEED that card (e.g. old one blew up / caught fire / exploded in nuclear blast / went to big pc tower in sky / grew legs and ran away yelling YIPE! AYE AYE AYE AYE! when you tried to OC it etc), I would entirely just sit on your cash right now, and let AMD come out with something (or wait a little more for Nvidia's response to that). *Idiot chasing graphics card with legs crosses the screen several times back and forth*
There will ALWAYS be something better around the corner - I know this too well - having bought a 7950GX/2 nvidia card 6~10 days before the 8800GTX came out in November 2006. Shame on me.
However, the GPU market is such a wreck with that 'paper launch' BS that's gone down the last 30 days, I'd wait it out - less stressful that way.
Entirely, wait until Nvidia gets some decent chips come out of TSMC and if AMD Radeon Group has their hat in the ring, maybe - you'll get not just a little more - but a lot more for your money.
Or if you really need a GPU, look for something on clearance or on sale at Micro Center or Best Buy, etc (if you live within walking distance).
There's always Ebay if you can't decide and would tolerate a used model for the time being, surely there's a ton a 2080 Super / 2070 Super / 2080 / 2070 / 2060 models out there for a pittance compared to 60 days ago. I mean, even a 'lowly' RX 570 8gb is fine for 1080p 60fps in most games - often you can still crank up the detail pretty good with 8gb and it's not exactly 'slow' yet for the 100$ they often go for (USD).
--Good luck!