Nvidia Maxwell Apollo 11 Demo Download

Benchmarks & Demo's 179 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn

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The problem is its missing hardware Voxelized Global Illumination rendering - VXGI.
NVIDIA's VXGI computes indirect light by rendering the scene's lit geometry into a 3D voxel grid, then using that grid as an acceleration structure for computing indirect diffuse light and reflections. Indirect diffuse light is calculated by tracing broad cones through the voxel grid in the direction of the surface normal and accumulating the light from those voxels. Reflections are likewise calculated by tracing through the voxel grid in the direction of the reflection vector. This new technique is made possible from several new features of GeForce GTX 980 including: "Viewport Multicast" : Accelerates the rendering of each triangle into the voxel structure(s) by broadcasting it to the 6 directional render targets rather than duplicating data. "Conservative Raster" : Ensures that each triangle in a voxel's space can contribute to that voxel even if the triangle does not cross that voxel's sample point. "Tiled Resources" : Permits us to create a high resolution 3D Texture but only allocate memory for those regions that are occupied by voxels. NVIDIA can now employ Voxelized Global Illumination on Geforce GTX 980 to test the validity of the alleged moon landing media.
Meh, at least they could use SW for rest if they must showoff with HW..
Moon landings are so old school...if they want to be hip they need to do a comet landing...(gentle reminder lol)
Well, well, well... I was sure that Voxel features are solely a software-centric effort by Nvidia, aimed at building new Voxel libraries, tools, programming techniques and such but it turns out Maxwell does have few HW accelerated tricks in his Voxel arsenal 😛c1:
Well, well, well... I was sure that Voxel features are solely a software-centric effort by Nvidia, aimed at building new Voxel libraries, tools, programming techniques and such but it turns out Maxwell does have few HW accelerated tricks in his Voxel arsenal 😛c1:
Well Tom Peterson did an interview and said that VXGI was definitely compatible with AMD/Kepler based hardware but that they were primarily optimizing it for Maxwell and Maxwell hardware has features that make it quicker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr-GToUHino#t=3165 He talks about it here. I'm sure the demo is just locked to Maxwell because they don't want people with Kepler/AMD complaining about performance. Someone will prob unlock it soon.
it not that good del it now ...
GTX 850M, says it has no Maxwell card lol. So that basically confirms GTX 750(TI) can't run it too cause its the same chip
Oh, of course... and my gtx 980s are STILL waiting to be cleared by New Zealand #&$@* Customs.
Most boring tech demo I've ever seen...
Could not agree with you more. It is a moving slideshow and little else as there is no actual movement in it, just a static frozen scene which the camera pans around. I was very underwhelmed by it. What is with demos these days anyway? I remember yesteryear when both NVIDIA and ATI/AMD released jaw-dropping tech demos that usually came out with the new graphics card to showcase the hardware. Now we're lucky if we get those and when they do arrive they are rarely that impressive.