Next large update to Windows 10 to be released March 2017
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yay more bugs
Really happy with Windows 10 so far, more than a worthy succesor to Windows 7.
Too soon. The bulk of the updates will be towards UWP garbage anyway.
Not really had any issue with W10 myself, surfing the net daily fine, watching/listening to media type stuff all works fine, streaming from the XB1 works great and am loving the whole XB1 account W10 integration thing, have spybot installed for all the nosy stuff, long as those thing continue to work i don't think i will have any issues.
Fingers crossed.
hah maybe by time this is released they might psuh 1607 to my pc's? or maybe it will just push this? hhah
Spybot need to release an update for Cuttheline/SDAntibeacon. The devs say that Spybot 3 has these updates and may or may not do a standalone update for Antibeacon.
Since it's never been updated since 2015-10-19. I thought that it was still fully working as intended but apparently not.
I think those whom use SDAntibeacon don't get the AU update and have to do it manually. I haven't bothered myself because win10 is working fine for me but i worry AU will break things.
I know there is other tools that work well and have been updated recently like O&O ShutUp10 but i use SDAntibeacon and have had no issues with it.
I also know that MS is trying to implement telemetry/diagnostics hard wired into Win 10 so people have no way of stopping it with tools/programs. That will be a sad day for me but i'm told it'll still be possible to block it but only with Router Firewall.
MS is currently finding ways to bypass Windows firewall outbound rules and Hosts file blocks so unfortunately it'll be Router Firewall blocks only which only a tiny percentage of people will be able enough to do it.
I doubt SDantibecon is why AU did get pushed my uncles computer had SDantibecon used on it same as my systems and it was pushed to his about 2 weeks ago, I am no rush though compared to 1511 build this build has more things that annoy me
It can be blocked via firewall of router , example of how to block WIn10 stuff via router on asus/merlin wrt router
I wish they fix File Explorer crashing because of long file names.
Maybe they'll give us an option uninstall the store and other the other apps.
You can remove most with CCleaner.
The Store has to be removed with a Powershell command.