New Denuvo protection lasts longer than its predecessors

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I'm just sorry because i buy all the games, and still i have to use this performance eating software over my game.
Seriously, people who pirate your game don't want to buy your game. However people who pirate your game and enjoy it may buy your game if it's good, because they want to support you and perhaps because of some extra online features. This is exactly what I'm doing with Witcher 3, those guys just deserve my money even though I've already finished the pirated game. I pirated it because such RPGs are usually not my thing and I wasn't even gonna try the game, let alone buy it. Yet CDPR turned me from a pirate of their game into a customer simply because their game is more than great. When will this pointless fight against piracy stop? This version of Denuvo will get cracked (even if it takes more than a few days) and they'll have to spend money on developing a new one, the cycle that's been set until now will continue and nothing will change. Meanwhile this type of DRM is anti-consumer and I will never ever support any company which supports such practices. If your DRM-ridden game is good, I will pirate it so I won't have to deal with that crap. You're not only wasting money on useless sh!t, you're also losing customers in the process. The gaming industry has become a bit better lately compared to a few years ago but it's still a joke when you take companies like Ubisoft and EA into account. I honestly hope they go bankrupt, especially EA which has killed numerous studios with their retarded practices.
It's funny when this "pirating" is done not to avoid paying for the game... but to avoid paying for electricity (and air conditioning electricity) because the DRM is pushing CPU to 100%... I mostly play single player games, which I buy, but then when crack is out I play that version simply because I don't want to be online while gaming (looking at you Steam), or use shitty DRM-infected launchers. ... or, if available there, buy from GOG instead. That's fine. Love them <3
GOG is nice for that. but on other hand the DRM use insinificant ressource compared to the game itself (and i use most of the time I3 and below... so really few ressource).
Watch_Dogs 2 has been cracked long time ago, and the end of piracy stated by 3DM was few years back. Since then, all Denuvo games (except online only) have been cracked. For the record, 3DM is just a p2p group, not scene.

Seriously, people who pirate your game don't want to buy your game.
That's hardly true. Most people aren't living such a nice life they wouldn't need to make any buying choices. I'm sure a good deal of pirates would even steal PC hardware if they could get away with it, but it's considerably harder than simply downloading software. So, they pirate games to increase the amount of games, and any other things, they can afford. If they really want to play one game but can't find a crack, they will buy it. As long as it's a way of life for them to get games (and other software) for free, they will do it so that they have money left for other things they can't get for free so easily. I don't feel like paying 50-60 euros for games (especially if it's not an Elder Scrolls), so I go for the other great option: I wait a couple of years until the game hits the decent bargain sales. Fortunately I have the patience for it, unlike all the pirates, I reckon. That being said, I really wish the CPU killer copy protections won't become widespread. If I sent the game publisher a portion of my electricity bill, I doubt they would pay it.
They went overkill for their DRM so I can't say I'm surprised. It will be cracked eventually. If anything, going overboard with their protections will only improve the cracker's skills. As far as I'm concerned, Ubisoft or EA logos are enough for me to stay away 😛
Now it makes sense why AI in game is so retarded, CPU is used for protection most of the time :-D

Seriously, people who pirate your game don't want to buy your game. However people who pirate your game and enjoy it may buy your game if it's good, because they want to support you and perhaps because of some extra online features. This is exactly what I'm doing with Witcher 3, those guys just deserve my money even though I've already finished the pirated game. I pirated it because such RPGs are usually not my thing and I wasn't even gonna try the game, let alone buy it. Yet CDPR turned me from a pirate of their game into a customer simply because their game is more than great.
I'm not proud of downloading games, but I'm not ashamed either. I've bought many games after trying and I waited for them to be in discount. I've bought games I actually never ended playing, just because I tried the pirated version and liked. But I'm certainly not buying anything full of DRM and that has a crappy story or gameplay I didn't enjoy.
Is there actually any hard evidence proving that Denuvo causes increased CPU load? Or is it one of those things that people decided to blame because of some poorly coded DX11 game running badly on PC? Feel free to link me to some tests or something.

That's hardly true. Most people aren't living such a nice life they wouldn't need to make any buying choices. I'm sure a good deal of pirates would even steal PC hardware if they could get away with it, but it's considerably harder than simply downloading software. So, they pirate games to increase the amount of games, and any other things, they can afford. If they really want to play one game but can't find a crack, they will buy it. As long as it's a way of life for them to get games (and other software) for free, they will do it so that they have money left for other things they can't get for free so easily. I don't feel like paying 50-60 euros for games (especially if it's not an Elder Scrolls), so I go for the other great option: I wait a couple of years until the game hits the decent bargain sales. Fortunately I have the patience for it, unlike all the pirates, I reckon. That being said, I really wish the CPU killer copy protections won't become widespread. If I sent the game publisher a portion of my electricity bill, I doubt they would pay it.
I think 'want' was not the perfect word for me to use; I was inclusively referring to people who can't comfortably afford those games and thus don't buy them. I for example live in Romania where the average wage is somewhere around 500EUR/month. You can imagine that spending 12% of your salary for one AAA game at launch is not something most Romanians do, and not because they're greedy; they're just expensive. Compare that to Americans who make around $45k/year on average, that's almost $4k a month. An AAA game is less than 2% of that salary. I mean if games would hold a decent proportion relative to each country and cost 60RON instead of 60EUR, AAA games would actually sell here. But yes, unfortunately there is a minority who won't buy games no matter what, they just like freebies. There's no questioning that, some people just have no respect for the work of others.

Of course many of them will buy if they will not have free alternative on torrents sites. X0/PS4 is not cracked and sales numbers says it all. Buy even you dont plan to buy a game you still dont have a right to use somebody`s work for free. What a lame explanations. You pirated one of the best game of last 10 years and money wise you harmed the business of one of the best (if not the best) dev out there and still you see some positives in it. Ridicolous. Through your actions described above you harm the business of the "good guys".
How did I harm their business if I'm buying the game, what kind of backwards logic is that? Did you even understand the process I described? 1. I was not interested in TW3 -> I was not going to buy it, ever 2. I decided to pirate TW3 because I was bored 3. I played it 4. I liked it so damn much I'm buying it, with all its expansions I ended up buying a game which I never even intended to play in the first place. All because of piracy. How the hell is that hurting their business? Would you rather I buy EA's games when I'm curious about them so they can continue with their messed up business practices? No thanks buddy. If game makers are not going to release demos, I'm going to demo the game myself by pirating it. Always.

I'm not proud of downloading games, but I'm not ashamed either. I've bought many games after trying and I waited for them to be in discount. I've bought games I actually never ended playing, just because I tried the pirated version and liked. But I'm certainly not buying anything full of DRM and that has a crappy story or gameplay I didn't enjoy.
I don't have a problem with downloading games because we don't have demos anymore. If we had demos I'd have no reason to. But I totally understand where you're coming from.
No, this version of denuvo is already cracked, release of Assasin Creed is delayed due to the heavy patching in progress. Standard! Once the game is stable, that version will be cracked and released, and the devs will update the denuvo to new version which will include the security update for this exact crack. Rinse repeat. Also 3dm said that at the start, 1 or 2 years back, since than, 95% of denuvo games have been cracked, if not all. That 3dm BS is long obsolette - same as 3DM itself, which never cracked denuvo, just created some lame workarounds for few games, they are just a bunch of chineese lamers who did this solely for the money, as they sold the games they cracked at the chineese market! This denuvo version is already dead as we speak. In a day and age where AAA games are just public beta, this approach is better for the pirates. They get their game working and patched. Day 1 release is mostly worthless bugfest and gets jumped on by the ill pre-orderers and junkies who cant wait for their fix and they dont care the game is flawed on the technical side. TLDR It makes no sense to crack denuvo game which is bugged and patches are rolling in! As soon as you crack it, devs adjust denuvo and than you need to crack it again, if you want to have it up to date - loss of time and resources!

How did I harm their business if I'm buying the game, what kind of backwards logic is that? Did you even understand the process I described? 1. I was not interested in TW3 -> I was not going to buy it, ever 2. I decided to pirate TW3 because I was bored 3. I played it 4. I liked it so damn much I'm buying it, with all its expansions I ended up buying a game which I never even intended to play in the first place. All because of piracy. How the hell is that hurting their business? Would you rather I buy EA's games when I'm curious about them so they can continue with their messed up business practices? No thanks buddy. If game makers are not going to release demos, I'm going to demo the game myself by pirating it. Always.
Now, we don't have any statistics but I'm fairly sure that your situation isn't exactly common. I assume that a lot of pirates simply don't have the money to buy the game, maybe cause their parents prefer to buy alcohol for all the money, or just other reasons. Others assume that everything on the internet should be free and pirate due to principle. And some, like you, want to try the game before buying it. I actually did it myself a couple of times back in the days. I believe more in services like Steam who has this refund policy. You buy and try, if you are not content, you get your money back. This is better than Origin Access which costs money but since Origin is so crazy cheap, I assume it's OK. I hope more of the big publishers start using this practice since it saves money for the developers who don't have to create a specific demo for a game (probably costs a lot of money). Instead us customers can try the whole package and refund if we don't like it for some reason.

Seriously, people who pirate your game don't want to buy your game.
False. There is a whole plethora of statistics and researches made on this subject that speak the contrary. According to your logic, websites such as GOG should have went bust years ago, instead they grow and only get more popular. By modern standards each one of you here is a pirate, and in more than one way, however that doesn't stop people from buying games . I don't buy every game out there, neither do I play every game out there. My steam library is massive over the years, same goes for my GOG library. However the DISGUSTING recent trend of releasing half baked shit games (which includes AAA+ titles, majority of early access e.t.c.) and hoping that people jump on them and eat them while hot is not leading industry into the right direction. Back in the day we had Demo versions of games for a purpose - to Try/Test out a Product. Now for the most part term Demo is extinct. Which results in people first Pirating something to Try it out, only after they buy it. Normal Logic. You don't buy a car without test driving it, first you give it a try, you like it, only afterwards you Buy it. Not the other way around. Make good solid games, release demos for them, use Client oriented practices and people will Buy your Stuff.
@xIcarus that is just wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. Just wait a sale and buy it, if you can't afford it for any normal reason, ask someone to borrow you the game or just skip it. I agree that the point is just that game pirating is not punished in any way. As always the stupid comparing, but is true, is that you would steal a car with this way of thinking if no one could see/punish you, and at the end when you used it, you would go back and say `it was usefull, now i have the money, i would like to pay for it` this is not accepted from our society yet. Creating a good game takes time and money and investments, if you want to use it , enjoy it, you have to pay back the time that people spent over it. Same is for movies / music and all the things that you can create a digital copy of it. On the other side there are tons of free to play games around, just use those.

Steam doesn't refund money instantly so that's not good. I think 10 hour trials should be on every AAA game at least. Quality speaks for itself and these publishers try excuse their rushed devs
How long does a refund take?
Well for me it is GOG all the way ,i don't exactly have hardware for playing new AAA games ,so for me there is double benefit of GOG : no bullsh*t DRM,and second is as i play mostly older titles (relatively speaking ) they are patched games not some overpriced piece of s**t beta.
Good news, I stopped pirating about ~8 years ago and am glad I did. With the dawn of digital sales there are way better deals to be had (even just some time after release) if you don't want to buy at full price. I could understand the excuse In the past, when it was physical retail only, games were a lot more expensive, ESPECIALLY for poor countries like mine. But now? Just excuses. Sure the fact that this particular DRM increases CPU usage is indeed unfortunate and can be improved upon, but having uncrackable games is a good thing in my opinion.

Think its an average of 3-5 days till it appears in your bank account
This is pretty common for any business, typically 3-5 working days (weekend normally not counting towards it) DRM has been a curse of PC gaming for many years now, i remember back in the day assassin creed 2 and its always on online DRM, lose net for a second boom boots you off the game, now that was horrible. Hopefully one day companies learn DRM won't stop people from pirating the game, people do it for all sorts of reasons many of which are invalid ones. Then again people pirate all sorts of content these days without a second thought. What i hate is that it affects us, the people who actually buy the games, forcing always online or forcing your PC to work harder than is actually necessary to run the game or program, Even if it just 5% more cpu usage than otherwise, it's still something. There has yet to be a code or place people are yet to break into, it is always just a matter of time.