MSI Immerse GH70 Gaming Headset review

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Not sure I'm a fan of any of these gaming type head sets. I think it's better to invest in a good quality DAC + audiophile headphones - so a good DAC combined with something like AKG K702, I've found that combo great for gaming, a real advantage to locate directional sound cues in online multiplayer, plus beautiful music quality for listening enjoyment. Ok, it's more expensive than a gaming headset on it's own, but not obscenely so, $189 for AKG K702's on amazon (talking $ because this article was written in $). Ok, then you have to buy the DAC too! I got mine setup with the Asus Xonar U7 which was actually reviewed here on Guru3d way back in 2013, in fact that one article was the beginning catalyst for me choosing that DAC - it's not a particularly expensive one, but yes you still have to buy the DAC too! I'm sure the headset in this article is not bad for gaming, I read the article & it sounded positive, just not the type of sound setup I like.