Microsoft Windows 8.1 will get 70% price reduction
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All in all is a good move for MS, and it will make some users happy.
By the way Win 8.1 is not broken, the only problem is the interface, but if don't count it you will get a nice OS (not the best bust still a good one).
This is much smaller thing than the press wants to tell you. Its only for PCs selling for less than $250 so its only for the junk market.
Helping their OEMs be more competitive can't be a bad thing. I hope they make it up in volume.
The amount of negativity in almost every post in 'Frontpage News' is bothering.
It's a lose lose for MS. They lose on profits and Windows 8 and lose on reputation because Win8 gets put on cheap devices that will only make Windows perform worse. It's like what happened when Windows 7 was put on budget netbooks with atom processors. The user experience suffered by not only low performance machines but bloatware the budget dealers stuffed on top of an already crappy system. The last thing MS needs right now is another hit to its rep.
Elder III
I have some relatives that desperately need to upgrade from XP, so this sounded good at first. Apparently it's only for OEM giants such as Dell, HP etc. If I could buy OEM copies myself for $15 I'd go get a 3 pack of them right this second.
They really want to push win8 even though they took all that flak from there stupid ideas about metro.
Not happen unless I can completely remove/disable Metro and have work star menu like every OS before it Not resorting to 3rd party hackies changes to fix something that didnt need fixing to begin with.
I didnt switch to Vista for DX10 I sure as hell aint switching to win 8 for dx 11.2. Considering most game still have use DX9 and few that are DX11 are half assed still.
And I sill upset over the fact winxp let use tweak our network much more then vista/win7/8 cause they pretty much automate it
I'm waiting patiently for some of those talented peeps over on Dev Art to create some wicked styles for 8.1.Hoping they have by the time I make the switch in a couple of mths.It does look kind of boring compared to the vstyles I'm using on 7 currently.Oh and I'm typing this on phone too, jus finished dinner, π!
It not discount for Retail nor OEM Retail only OEM get the deal like Dell, HP, etc, etc so why would give a rats you know what which I don't do because of all trash that get install and cut rate carp parts that they used.
Prince Valiant