Microsoft Expands FAT32 Volume Size to 2TB (in Latest Windows 11 Insider Preview)
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Yet another weird situation where Linux had better compatibility over a MS product than Windows. Kind of odd MS decided to make this update considering FAT32 has largely been surpassed by exFAT.
The biggest problem with FAT32 is not the total volume size, but the fact that it cannot store files larger than 4 GB
That's a giant issue when talking about HD video, or modern games, and many other things which can easily have files larger than 4 GB.
FAT32 needs to die and exFAT be more widely implemented on devices.
I was absolutely shocked that my modern Smart TV from just a few years ago cannot read exFAT formatted USB stick... exFAT launched 17 years ago. Very lame.
My guess is this is the reason "exFAT was proprietary until 28 August 2019"... so... Microsoft's fault for keeping it closed for so damn long.
Proprietary filesystems are just the worse.
At least the TV supports NTFS on USB just fine... sigh.
Erm, it already was just short of 2TB max, what is this update worth?
That and @wavetrex comments make this practically irrelevant
But why now ? They needed this ....24 years ago :/