iPhone 5 sells record 2 million units in 24 hours

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It's a sad day for technology enthusiasts around the world.
You say that as if it's fake or without reason. My line was completely legit. They thwart technological advance and competition. The slave labour doesn't help either, people who must work there because it is their only way to survive. It's no surprise there are so many suicides annually that Foxconn tries to cover up.
Whatever. I'm just sick and tired of all the hate people have for Apple and the new iPhone. It's getting quite frankly boring.
You seem to not understand that the hate people have for Apple is justified, especially with how they've been lately, and that the new iphone 5 is basically pointless
You say that as if it's fake or without reason. My line was completely legit. They thwart technological advance and competition. The slave labour doesn't help either, people who must work there because it is their only way to survive. It's no surprise there are so many suicides annually that Foxconn tries to cover up.
Psssssssssst. Guess what else gets manufactured at Foxconn.
Psssssssssst. Guess what else gets manufactured at Foxconn.
Good Point.!:banana:
Psssssssssst. Guess what else gets manufactured at Foxconn.
A lot of stuff, so enlighten me. Does Samsung also get 99% of their crap made by Foxconn as well? Please tell me they don't. I don't see HTC listed as a major customer of Foxconn, so I think I'm safe buying my next phone from them, or Google, or LG.
A lot of stuff, so enlighten me. Does Samsung also get 99% of their crap made by Foxconn as well? Please tell me they don't. I don't see HTC listed as a major customer of Foxconn, so I think I'm safe buying my next phone from them, or Google, or LG.
It's more the fact you were implying that all Foxconn made were Apple products. And they're nothing but Slave labor and that's why Apple are so evil and they don't treat their workers right. Just try to curb your hatred for Apple. Know what the main difference is. Apple people like their products. And they think they're better products. And they leave it at that. Regardless to whether they are or aren't. It's only the Android users who show an absolute disgust and hatred towards Apple. People use their phones differently. Have different requirements. Even as an extreme tweaker and Guru, I still like my iPhone as it does what it should with no fiddling. Plus if you deal with the public, you can see how many people just flat out don't care about changing little things with their phone and feel the same way. They just want a phone. After seeing some comments in the other thread about how to do this on Android install this file. And to remove left over files you can download some other program to clean them up and things. That's great and all. But not everyone wants to know that. iPhone users just want to Touch and hold. Have apps shake and hit the delete button and it's gone. Nothing else to worry about. You like your phone. I like my phone. Lets try to leave the hatred out of it.
You like your phone. I like my phone. Lets try to leave the hatred out of it.
I don't think it's possible to ignore what they do and just see them as a regular greedy company. I've hated them long before I ever even considered a smartphone, mostly for what they do to human beings, but the fact that they've been slowing advance bothers me a lot as a technology enthusiast. Of course I know why people like Apple products, as I've said my own family use them. They like the products because they think they're of good quality (despite at least 2 iPhones blowing up on them) and they think iOS is more simple to use than Android... even though it's made to be self explanatory and use at a glance (I certainly did). I don't bother anyone because they use an iPhone, but if a conversation ever starts up about it, I don't hesitate to tell them what I know about Apple and what I think of them. I guess the point I'm getting to is that there is no other company I can think of which has consistently been accused of (practical) slave labour and slowing technological advance while patent trolling. I'm hesitant to even buy from Samsung ever again, if I find out their phones are made from Foxconn parts I'll likely never buy anything from them again. Of course I get your point. I would be better off just seeing them as just another company, and people wouldn't be bothered by my comments. It's just very hard to do... and I'm certainly not the only one that feels that way, I'm probably not even in the minority.
Guess what, the suicide rate for Foxconn workers is lower than the average in the rest of China; but don't let facts rain on your parade.
In the rest of China in what field? Source please. Also, let's not pretend that Foxconn doesn't cover up suicides, I'd be surprised if the reported ones are even 1/4. No I'm not just pointing the finger at Apple, I'm pointing it at everyone who buys from Foxconn.
I don't think it's possible to ignore what they do and just see them as a regular greedy company. I've hated them long before I ever even considered a smartphone, mostly for what they do to human beings, but the fact that they've been slowing advance bothers me a lot as a technology enthusiast. Of course I know why people like Apple products, as I've said my own family use them. They like the products because they think they're of good quality (despite at least 2 iPhones blowing up on them) and they think iOS is more simple to use than Android... even though it's made to be self explanatory and use at a glance (I certainly did). I don't bother anyone because because they use an iPhone, but if a conversation ever starts up about it, I don't hesitate to tell them what I know about Apple and what I think of them. I guess the point I'm getting to is that there is no other company I can think of which has consistently been accused of (practical) slave labour and slowing technological advance while patent trolling. I'm hesitant to even buy from Samsung ever again, if I find out their phones are made from Foxconn parts I'll likely never buy anything from them again. In the rest of China in what field? Source please. Also, let's not pretend that Foxconn doesn't cover up suicides, I'd be surprised if the reported ones are even 1/4.
Foxconn isn't Apple. So you can't blame suicide coverups on Apple. Yes it absolutely is terrible that they cover up suicides. But that's something the company itself needs to deal with, and the government needs to handle. We can't apply our Western Logic on an Asian country. That's what gets us into enough trouble as it is thinking we know everything. But I would imagine there are a lot of suicides in the country in general due to living conditions compared to the "Western World" Apple aren't the only one sueing here either. Microsoft sue everyone Google sues everyone back. Motorolla get in there. Nokias had a go HTC has had a go Samsung like to sue and counter sue. The list is endless. It's one big giant sueing orgy. Companies feel the need to protect their patents. Again whether they are legit or not. They got granted, so why wouldn't you sue to protect your patent and make money off someone if you own it. Again it's none of those businesses faults. It's how the system is. And it's how large businesses are made, and it's how they continue to run. And it's how the shareholders want it to run because they're making money off it. You were quick to point out how I've only used a couple of Android phones and I can't compare what I've used to every Android phone. Yet you want to compare 2 iPhones blowing up. As if that means that all Apple phones have serious quality issues. Which isn't the case. You are using your personal experiences and then applying a personal opinion on things. Everyone does that, and it's what makes multiple products interesting. You don't like Apple. I like their products. Do I think they've perfect? Absolutely not. And there are a number of things Apple do that I completely hate and think are moronic. And how do they slow technology advance? By sueing? Well so does everyone else. Google are free to make whatever they want in a new technology. As are Samsung to make new products never thought of before, get in there and patent them and sue Apple of they try to copy. And to be honest. We had smart phones before Apple even got onto the Market. Yes you could do what you can now and check emails but does anyone remember how horrible it was? And how horrible the Interfaces were on these things? Ugh. Talk about disgusting. Nokia were the kings of phones, they hardly changed anything in their years and years of making phones. Apple come along. Make an OS that you can't get in there and tweak, but it sure was pretty compared. Which then opened up the game and forced people to start catching up and making things pretty, which made things more functional and better. If anything it gave Android the kick it needed to be as good as it is today. And yes I do think Android is good, and I think it's getting better and better every release. Would I use it? Maybe one day. But at the moment I like my iPhone. If anything Apples little entry has speeded up the technology progress and made people work harder to try and prove them "wrong"
I agree with some things in your post, and completely disagree a bunch of others (actually, you may have had me mixed up with someone else on one point, or I have Alzheimer's). I was thinking about what point to start replying to first, but then realized my reply would be about 40 pages long. Considering I'll only get about 6 hours of sleep at this point I should probably just shut up. :wanker: We're never going to agree on Apple, for the sake of preventing any arguments I'm going to try to avoid posting about them. I had 2 news articles to post about they're slowing advance/competition, but I didn't post either, that's a start. Believe me I wish they were just another company and were merrily enriching our lives while milking all the profit they can, but as I said I just can't see them that way. I'm hoping things will improve in the future, until then, I'm going to TRY to not talk about them. No promises. Edit:
Jeez, is Google so hard to use?
Yes, yes it is, I've never heard of this Google you speak of. Is it like magnets, how does it work? Wikipedia contradicts its own stats on other pages, the suicides in 2010 were more than 14 when I looked at it. Just because the suicide rate is SUPPOSEDLY lower than sweat shops and absolute/literal slavery doesn't make what they're doing right. We've all heard all our lives about the horrible conditions in China and those who must work as slaves or die, just because one company is a step above the rest (after being forced to be) doesn't make them any better. The fact remains that they can literally pay all their workers triple meanwhile still making massive profit. Yet they would choose to abuse people even more for a little more money. No, I don't wear any Nike equipment, or any other sweatshop gear that I'm aware of.
My educated guess is that it sells well because a lot of people, that I know, didn't buy 4S because they were waiting for iphone 5.
crapple @700 bucks a share lol If i can just sell iapple water for $10 a bottle to those waiting in line i'd get another 680
My educated guess is that it sells well because a lot of people, that I know, didn't buy 4S because they were waiting for iphone 5.
Well this time around because most people who bought the iPhone 4 like myself. My 24 month contract is up. So I've pre-ordered the 5 because my plan is up. May as well get a new phone. Which is the case for a lot of other people I suspect.
Lets face it though. Apple try to un-fairly kill off companies like you say. But then again so does Google. They buy a lot of companies to kill off their competition, or just get rid of them. They've bought Sparrow a Mac email client and now that doesn't get any more updates to work in their Gmail stuff. Social Media companies to kill off any competition with Google+ to try make it stronger to target Facebook. Bought a number of other search companies so they don't compete with their searches. Multiple Online advertising places again to take away competition away from Adsense. I'm sure some of it gets integrated into their software, but a lot it will be strategic moves to make sure they avoid competition and grow in market share. All companies do it. There's no nice company. They may start out saying they are. And how we support people. But in the end. It's a company, and companies need to be producing money otherwise it's pointless. And to do that. Toes need to be stood on along the way. I think you've a bit naive if you believe Apple are the only one. Again. Seems like people just like to pick on Apple. I mean. You have to have someone to target your hatred to. How many dodgy things have Microsoft done over the years. Be hard to count them.
gonna use my iPhone 4 until it breaks, then who knows what phone i'll wind up with (or when for that matter)
If I didn't have a 4S I would've bought the 5 .. boo hoo Droids.
This may sound mad to some of you but the only reasons i don't use apple is because of the following 3. 1. You cannot turn of Wifi in 1 simple move. 2. you cannot turn of bluetooth is one simple move 3. you cannot turn of 3g in one simple move. the fact that you have to go through so many steps to achieve simple tasks bugs me, i just like to push a button and go...... This is why i like using Android phones because of the Widget based system. Maybe the only reason Apple wont use a widget based OS is because they may get sued by the inventor of the Widgets.
This may sound mad to some of you but the only reasons i don't use apple is because of the following 3. 1. You cannot turn of Wifi in 1 simple move. 2. you cannot turn of bluetooth is one simple move 3. you cannot turn of 3g in one simple move. the fact that you have to go through so many steps to achieve simple tasks bugs me, i just like to push a button and go...... This is why i like using Android phones because of the Widget based system. Maybe the only reason Apple wont use a widget based OS is because they may get sued by the inventor of the Widgets.
The last 10 or so smart phones I've owned in the last few years have ALL been Android. Why? Freedom, ability to customize anything & everything as I please, no restrictions, widgets, copy & paste, bluetooth transfer to and from any device, mass media storage, memory card slot, etc...
10 phones...? :3eyes:
A pretty successful and rich joke?